Welcome to Roswitha's Manifesting and Money Mindset BLOG.

Here you'll learn about manifesting, money blocks and their importance when it comes to getting consistent clients and reaching 6+ figures.

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What is a money mindset definition examples resources

What is a Money Mindset? Definition. Examples. Resources for Entrepreneurs

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50+ Positive Money Beliefs for Creative Entrepreneurs

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Money Blocks: 20+ Hottest Questions Answered


Manifest Your Revenue Goals by Releasing Your Biggest Money Blocks

Whether it’s shame of charging your worth, constantly over-delivering or believing that more money leads to more stress, this hypnosis will guide you to release whatever is blocking you from building a business you love telling people about.

You deserve a business that SUPPORTS you month after month in living your dream life without sacrificing your mental health, spending time with your loved ones or traveling the world.

Roswitha Herman Manifesting Money Coach
High ticket services 4 money blocks limiting your success

High Ticket Services: 4 Money Beliefs Limiting Your Success

Manifesting money is easy once you remove these 6 money blocks

Manifesting Money is Easy Once You Remove These 6 Money Blocks

Hi, I’m

Roswitha Herman.

I am a Certified Coach since 2015 and the Best-Selling Author of the book "Young, Creative and Overwhelmed".

In my early 20s, I was poor. But I had high self-confidence and I was the most ambitious person I knew, trusting myself to accomplish everything I wanted. (hello straight A-scholarship in engineering) I always KNEW how to manifest my dreams. This is why, my clients called me "Manifesting Queen".

But, the way I was manifesting, was through hard work, hustle, neglecting my health, neglecting relationships, comparison, depression, and high anxiety.

Years of living this way brought burnout and a new layer of responsibility - taking care of my chronically ill husband for years. This made me even more addicted to struggle. In 2019, I just broke down.

I needed a new way of manifesting. I needed to understand how it actually works and how to achieve all my dreams without working so hard, without comparing myself with everyone and feeling ashamed or guilty, and without living in constant anxiety and depression.

This is how
MANIFESTING QUEEN™ was born and how we helped women manifest over $250,000 in just 5 days.

Since 2023, I have been developing my own Releasing Money Blocks method, which combines parts of all other techniques I am certified in (EFT/TFT, Ho'oponopono, Eden method, Theta healing, Sedona method, Heart wall method to name a few).

This is what I do with my private clients when we release blocks on DNA, soul level, past lives level, subconscious mind, all organs and cells in the body, nervous system, and mindset level.

My BIG GOAL NOW, is to help 100 women entrepreneurs create a 6-fig business, even if they are just making $2,000/mo from their passion business.

I know that no matter where you live, having a $10K month would allow you to take care of your family and live a comfortable life. I want all of us, to live a comfortable life, and get there while feeling joyful and relaxed every day. And I always get what I want 😆 so you're in good hands.


Getting consistent clients and reaching your money goals is 80% about your BELIEFS.

Go grab that powerful FREE 35min Hypnosis and shift your money story for good!