Money Manifesting Course: Have a Minimum $100K Year & Triple (3x) Your Current Revenue in just 12 weeks

Why do some coaches and service providers make 3x more in their online business while feeling safe with money, working 20 hours a week and using simple Marketing Strategies?

  • They know how to manifest money and how to find and release their money blocks (NOT just money mindset, but also money trauma releasing and working on the energetic level)
  • They know how to have a regulated nervous system and how to be consistent with their strategy and action plan (No more micro-managing or procrastinating the big actions in their business because they feel overwhelmed)

  • They have group support and 1:1 support, feeling seen and having their own issues resolved, not just general issues (#personalizedsupport)
  • They proactively improve their Marketing - because let's face it, we can always tweak our offer, content strategy, lead generation, or how we scale, for better results

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“The Mastermind saved me, I was never consistent with my marketing strategy and I had tons of blocks.”

Joining Roswitha's MANIFESTING QUEEN™ and MASTERMIND was the best decision for my coaching business. The personalized marketing strategy sessions are like having a private business coach. Roswitha's approach is genuine, and her releases on blocks are transformative. The community vibe in the group is uplifting, making each session a joy. If you're ready to manifest money with a coach who truly cares, this Mastermind is a must!

Olivia Rodriguez, Health Coach

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“This course is a must-take for anyone who is making around $2,000 and wants to get to $5,000/mo fast”

Manifesting Queen™ is not your average course; it's a game-changer! I used to make $2,000 a month, and within 8 weeks, my income soared to $5,000. This course is like a best friend guiding you through manifesting, mindset, and energy work. No more overwhelm; just easy-to-apply strategies that bring results. I now attract clients effortlessly, and my business feels like a dream. If you're a coach or service provider making desiring 5k months, this course is a must!

Amy Thompson, Copywriter

Is THIS what you want?

I know you’re ready to attract consistent dream clients directly from your Marketing, while feeling relaxed and at peace, knowing and trusting that your strategy works.

I know you’re ready to sit down on the couch and binge your favorite Netflix show knowing EXACTLY how much money you’re making in 3 months and where your clients are coming from.

I know you’re ready to triple you current monthly revenue - and secure at least $6K cash per month - months in advance.


This is HOW we make it happen inside this money manifesting course:

  • Receive MANIFESTING QUEEN™ - a 6-module course that teaches you the *Manifesting Formula* and by applying it, how to find and release your money blocks - on the MINDSET, TRAUMA, and ENERGY level.
  • Receive FROM POWERLESS TO POWERFUL, an archive of EXERCISES to do every day, based on how you feel. This helps you stay calm, confident, trustful, excited and regulated in your nervous system.

  • Receive group support and 1:1 support by joining the live calls inside the MASTERMIND. Here is where we discuss your Marketing strategy and release all blocks we find - all LIVE and personalized.

Looking Back, I Understand Exactly What Were the Most Important Changes I Implemented to Take my Business to $100K/year

Roswitha Herman Manifesting Money Coach
  • I committed to ONE simple Marketing strategy - instead of giving into FOMO (fear of missing out) over the next big thing in marketing, always shifting and changing the strategies.
  • I allowed enough TIME (3 months+) for each strategy to work - instead of bouncing from new thing to thing every 2 weeks
  • I acquired patience - instead of being highly anxious and needing for things to work out asap or else they never would
  • I felt ENOUGH and proud of myself on a daily basis - instead of always feeling like I am making a mistake, not working enough, not being good enough
  • I had so much compassion and self love, being kind with myself and how sometimes I wasn't "perfect" - instead of being FRUSTRATED and angry at myself and always comparing myself with others
  • I decided that everything that needs to get done will get done and that I trusted myself no matter what - instead of feeling guilty and somehow expecting to be punished by God/The Universe (not making sales) for not finishing all my to dos
  • I felt safe being visible before being as successful as I wanted - instead of being ashamed of myself and feeling like I couldn't be visible online unless I was already successful, which stopped me from becoming successful.
  • I started following my own inner guidance - instead of constantly going to other people for advice, and needing a lot of confirmation.
  • I was IMPLEMENTING actions steps in my business DAILY - instead of always learning and watching what other people were doing and doing only 10%
  • I trusted wholeheartedly that every action I take brings results - instead of always being afraid that "I am wasting time" and "I should be doing something else"
  • I learned a proven strategy for manifesting money in my business that's based on science and even quantum physics.
Roswitha Herman Manifesting Money Coach

  • I was able to relax, stop my "working brain" during the weekends and after 7 pm each day - instead of always being ON, stressed out, worried, ruminating, not being able to enjoy a movie or cooking dinner.  
  • I felt safe investing time, energy and money in other things besides business, that brought me joy like painting, learning new recipes, making my own sourdough bread, doing my nails, learning hair care, meeting my girlfriends for weekly brunches - instead of always feeling irresponsible if business was not priority #1.
  • I simplified everything - from my marketing strategy, to my self development, to fitness, to what I ate - instead of always feeling feeling overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the multitude of tasks.
  • I was cheering everyone for manifesting clients, money and all the things I wanted too, because I knew it was a sign "I am next" - instead of always being frustrated and even resentful, and feeling constantly sorry for myself.  
  • I focused on feeling good, feeling safe, feeling at peace in my body - instead of focusing on ONLY WHAT actions I needed to take in my marketing strategy
  • I started building an unshakable mindset, knowing I will achieve all my goals and that I won't stop until it happens (no matter how long it would take) instead of being a victim and feeling miserable because I was not making the kind of money I wanted.

Looking Back, I Understand Exactly What Were The Most Important Changes I Implemented To Take My Business To $100K/year

Roswitha Herman Manifesting & Money Coach
  • I committed to ONE simple Marketing strategy - instead of giving into FOMO (fear of missing out) over the next big thing in marketing, always shifting and changing the strategies.
  • I allowed enough TIME (3 months+) for each strategy to work - instead of bouncing from new thing to thing every 2 weeks
  • I acquired patience - instead of being highly anxious and needing for things to work out asap or else they never would
  • I felt ENOUGH and proud of myself on a daily basis - instead of always feeling like I am making a mistake, not working enough, not being good enough
  • I had so much compassion and self love, being kind with myself and how sometimes I wasn't "perfect" - instead of being FRUSTRATED and angry at myself and always comparing myself with others
  • I decided that everything that needs to get done will get done and that I trusted myself no matter what - instead of feeling guilty and somehow expecting to be punished by God/The Universe (not making sales) for not finishing all my to dos
  • I felt safe being visible before being as successful as I wanted - instead of being ashamed of myself and feeling like I couldn't be visible online unless I was already successful, which stopped me from becoming successful.
  • I started following my own inner guidance - instead of constantly going to other people for advice, and needing a lot of confirmation.
  • I was IMPLEMENTING actions steps in my business DAILY - instead of always learning and watching what other people were doing and doing only 10%
  • I trusted wholeheartedly that every action I take brings results - instead of always being afraid that "I am wasting time" and "I should be doing something else"
  • I learned a proven strategy for manifesting money in my business that's based on science and even quantum physics.

  • I was able to relax, stop my "working brain" during the weekends and after 7 pm each day - instead of always being ON, stressed out, worried, ruminating, not being able to enjoy a movie or cooking dinner.  
  • I felt safe investing time, energy and money in other things besides business, that brought me joy like painting, learning new recipes, making my own sourdough bread, doing my nails, learning hair care, meeting my girlfriends for weekly brunches - instead of always feeling irresponsible if business was not priority #1.
  • I simplified everything - from my marketing strategy, to my self development, to fitness, to what I ate - instead of always feeling feeling overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the multitude of tasks.
  • I was cheering everyone for manifesting clients, money and all the things I wanted too, because I knew it was a sign "I am next" - instead of always being frustrated and even resentful, and feeling constantly sorry for myself.  
  • I focused on feeling good, feeling safe, feeling at peace in my body - instead of focusing on ONLY WHAT actions I needed to take in my marketing strategy
  • I started building an unshakable mindset, knowing I will achieve all my goals and that I won't stop until it happens (no matter how long it would take) instead of being a victim and feeling miserable because I was not making the kind of money I wanted.
Roswitha Herman Manifesting & Money Coach

Are You Ready to Become a MANIFESTING QUEEN?

Learn how to create a 6-figure business through the power of manifestation, nervous system regulation, and easy-to-implement marketing strategies that WORK FOR YOU. This is the only money manifesting course you'll ever need to make your business WORK.


I just mentioned 15 reasons, how many felt


I can best serve the women who are where I have been because I know them.
I know what thoughts they have, I know what feelings and I know how to bridge the gap between WHAT IS and WHAT THEY WANT.

If you said "OMG, me too!" in your mind at least 5 times, by reading my reasons above, then YOU ARE THE IDEAL CLIENT for this offer.

This could be YOU TOO...

  • I have a very simple Marketing strategy, that takes around 5h a week to implement, which brought me $30,000 in the first 3 months after implementing it.
  • I am consistent with my strategy, no longer caring what others do, focusing on what works for me, and believing in it.
  • I trust everything works out for me and I am always safe and taken care of, no matter how fast I see results in my reality. (I remember in my second month of implementing, I had 0 money in my account and it's been already 3 weeks and no sales, but I KNEW things will be okay, and in the last week I made 3 sales that paid for all my bills for 2 months. )
  • I am my best friend, I released all guilt and shame and all I have for me now is pride, unconditional love, and appreciation. I am offering myself everything my parents couldn't or didn't know how to. (I see myself, praise myself, keep myself safe and support myself emotionally)
  • I take action, without forcing myself or punishing myself. I am in my body and on certain days I work more than others. My only rule is "Do I feel good doing it? Does it make me happy to do it now?" and if it's YES - I do it, if not...I do whatever else makes me happy.
  • I trust and believe, that everything I should be doing, I will be doing. If it's in my best interest, I would have the resources and energy to get it done. If not, it means there is something else I need to get done first.
  • I no longer wake up anxious, not knowing when and how my clients will find me, questioning "Am I doing enough work?" and feeling so scared that I must be doing something wrong and not even know it. This is because my nervous system is regulated and when I get triggered, I know exactly what to do. I know how to uncover the underneath issue and how to release it for good.
  • It means nothing what other people do or how much money they make. They are them, and I am me. I don't consider them better than me, or put them on a pedestal. I also don't envy or secretly hate them. I am happy to see PROOF and clarify what I want next or what I want my next to be like. (I grew my self worth, self confidence and self esteem)

Our customers love us

"Roswitha is a manifestation wizard, I finally know HOW TO manifest money. It's simple and easy to follow. The releases on blocks are profound; I could feel instant peace. With access to the recorded sessions and the masterclasses, the Mastermind is a treasure trove of business wisdom."

- Lily M. (London, UK)

"Enrolling in Manifesting Queen™ was a game-changer for my coaching business. In just 10 weeks, I went from making around $2,000 to a solid $6,500 a month. Roswitha's course is a breath of fresh air, offering a money manifesting formula that transformed my mindset and released money blocks on trauma level, which was a first for me. I am committed to doing the work because I want to triple my revenue again and have a 6-fig business soon."

- Grace P. (Columbus, OH)

"Since starting the course, I manifested my first 3 high end private clients making me $6,000/mo consistently. Roswitha teaches advanced manifesting techniques which helped me release my fear of charging. I also had massive blocks around posting content and now it's the easiest task. If you're ready for a thriving business effortlessly, this course is your golden ticket."

- Mia S. (New York, NY)

It is not an overnight success.

This is why it might take up to 3 months to 3x your revenue.

This is why I do not promise you to 10x your revenue, although some of my clients did.

I promise the minimum that's possible for you, which is to 3x your revenue in the maximum time, which would be 3 months.

By implementing the same teachings, that you will find inside MANIFESTING QUEEN™ and by regulating my nervous system daily AND tweaking my marketing blind spots every month, I managed to build a 6-figure business.

I am confident you can have a $100,000/year business TOO if now you're making at least $2,000/month.

Roswitha Herman Manifesting & Money Coach

Here is HOW this Money Manifesting Course Can Take You to $100k Years
(this example is from one of my clients, Elise)

Elise is a seasoned digital marketing online service provider who has been consistently earning an average of $2,000 in cash per month. Despite her expertise and efforts, she found herself unable to scale her revenue to $6,000 cash months or to build a 6 fig business (her dream). Despite attempting various marketing strategies, none have yielded the desired results. She came to me, to test (if I am completely honest) if manifesting, removing money blocks and regulating her nervous system, would be the innovative approaches that would triple her income and make her financial revenue dream come true.

Month 0: (before joining MQ + Mastermind) she was having 1 client for her 1:1, 1-2 sales to her course and under 10 sales for her low ticket, on average each month. Average $1,785 per month.

$11: low ticker offer
$1,000 PIF and $349/mo course
$999/mo for 3 months 1:1 coaching/consulting

Month 1: $2,505 (10*$11 + 4*$349 + 1*$999)

MQ: she did the first 2 modules and released her money goal resistance (all her fears regarding having 5-6k months)

Mastermind: she came to all calls and together we decided that her first MK blindspot was her IDEAL CLIENT. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around serving this ideal client.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear that things are not working fast enough, stress, the need to hustle, the need to micro-manage, etc)

Month 2: $4,335 (22*$11 + 6*$349 + 1*$999 + 1*$1,000)

MQ: she did module 3 and increased her self worth issues, to embody the person that has 5-6K months

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her content strategy, since she was very chaotic and all over the place. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around being consistent with her content and trusting her content converts.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear that her content is not good enough, stress, the need to hustle, the need to micro-manage, fear of losing her clients, of refunds etc)

=> because of this she doubled her low ticket sales and increased sales overall

Month 3: $8,334 (22*$11 + 6*$349 + 2*$999 + 4*$1,000)

MQ: she didn't do any modules

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her Lead Generation since she never did this in the past. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around judgement, she had massive blocks for doing any lead gen strategy.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

=> due to lead gen, her sales increased A LOT.

Looking back, her average revenue is $5,058 (which is close to $1,785x3 = $5,355 that was her 3x goal)

Month 4: $3,669 (certain payment plans stopped, she finished with one 1:1 client, this is why there is a dip)

(25*$11 + 2*$999 + 4*$349)

MQ: I told her to redo certain lessons from Module 2 to find the new blocks that were activated.

Mastermind: this month I told her to just focus on what we did already, we didn't tweak anything or changed anything. She needed a break and more general coaching.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 2h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of depression, frustration, anxiety, fear that things will never work out again, stress, the need to hustle, the need to micro-manage, etc)

Besides a normal dip from time to time, her dip was "manifested". Our nervous system needs time to adjust to a new way of living, more money and more responsibility. In her case having an 8k cash month was her income ceiling and her body freaked out, feeling unsafe to exist at this level "What if people will come after me?" "What if hubby will abandon me if I make so much money?" "What if I will become greedy and selfish and mean?". Not to mention, she now felt the huge pressure to only go beyond 8K from now on, to prove that she's got this.

This whole pressure, fear and overwhelm made her unable to work. She felt drained of creativity, of energy, experiencing fatigue, gastro-intestinal issues.


Here is the moment, where I advised her to normalise her energy to the level of 5k-6k months and not push for 8k or more. Her nervous system needs to accommodate, so our goal for the new trimester was to maintain this new revenue. ($5,000-$6,000)

Month 5: $6,292 (50*$11 + 3*$999 + 5*$349 + 1*$1,000)

MQ: finished the whole course (did module 4,5,6)

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her Sales strategy. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around her sales funnel.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

She renewed access for Mastermind for 4 more months and PIF and received a 1:1 call with me which turned out to be exactly what she needed because we released certain blocks that were stuck on DNA, soul and past lives level.

=> because we tweaked her sales funnel, her low ticket sales doubled and she knew how to do it again and again

Month 6: $7,903 (43*$11 + 1*$2,989PIF + 7*$349 + 2*$999)

MQ: she loved module 4-5 and would relisten

Mastermind: this month I told her to take it easy, and make no new changes. Just keep applying what we've been working on so far, and in the calls we also released any new blocks that showed up.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

Looking back, her average revenue NOW is $5,954 (our goal was to normalise 5-6k months and we did it!)

Month 7: $7,499 (60*$11 + 8*$349 + 3*$999 + 1*$1000)

MQ: she redid module 2, now focusing on what blocks she has around 10k months

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her OFFERS and pricing. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around her blind spots with her offers and how to stack them so it's very easy for her clients to climb the ladder.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

=> our new goal for this new trimester was reaching 10k months

Month 8: $10,590 (96*$11 + 13*$349 + 3*$999 + 2*$1000)

She finally had her first 10K cash month. We celebrated!!!

MQ: she redid module 3, now focusing on how would she show up and act as someone who makes 10K months consistently. (she increased her self worth, self esteem, self confidence)

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her Content strategy. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around her NEW blind spots.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week and noticed how she is no longer anxious, and her depressed episodes are very rarely. She was no longer such a perfectionist, was able to be flexible, to shift her energy fast and she thanked me for "pushing her" to regulate her nervous system consistently, because IT WORKS WONDERS.

She decided to continue with the Mastermind and once again Paid in full, receiving a new 1:1 session with me, where we released certain blocks she had, at the deeper levels (DNA, SOUL, PAST LIVES, cell and organs...she olso noticed some health issues and wanted to check if they were related - they were!)

Month 9: $10,7921 (110*$11 + 16*$349 + 3*$999 + 1*$1000)

MQ: she didn't do any modules

Mastermind: she came to all calls and this month we focused on her Lead generation. She did the MK homework and released her blocks around hiring more help in her business.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (mostly to feel energised and full of confidence daily)

=> by now she knows how to make predictable sales, she knows what content to post, her sales funnel is converting very well and her only issue is getting more and more leads, hence why she needed to hire help with this)

Looking back, her average revenue NOW is $9,626 (our goal was to normalise 10k months)

Month 10: $13,155 (108*$11 + 20*$349 + 1*$999 + 1*$2,989 PIF)

MQ: she didn't do anything. She wanted to work on 20k months as her new goal, but I said "let's wait a month!" (we want to grow in an easy, peaceful way and not hustle)

Mastermind: this month I told her to take it easy and not tweak anything, simply continue to implement what we worked on so far, I could see her nervous system was starting to be overwhelmed, since her pushing energy came back.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 2h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of NEW anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm, her need to hustle came back, her need to prove she is better)

=> as she had more support with lead gen, her sales increased and her pressure increased too. Now, seeing how easy it is to make money, she became obsessed with hitting 20k months immediately. I noticed she was starting to be overwhelmed and in "freeze" mode, so I told her less MK tweaking and more nervous system regulation.

Month 11: $11,064 (103*$11 + 17*$349 + 2*$999 + 1*$2,989 PIF)

MQ: she redid module 2, with the focus on finding and releasing her blocks around 20k months. (our new goal for the next 3 months)

Mastermind: this month we focused on what she wanted from her life, how many hours to work a week, how many 1:1 clients, what would be the big vision for the next 12 months.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

=> sales were steady at this point, she didn't tweak anything, simply doing what she has been doing.

Month 12: $16,471 (105*$11 + 21*$349 + 2*$999 + 1*$2,989 PIF + 3*$1,000)

MQ: she redid module 3, to increase her self worth and be able to embody the person who makes 20k months

Mastermind: this month we focused on her OFFERS, tweaking and making her 1:1 even better. We also released all her fears around her new offers.

PPT/bonuses: she regulated her nervous system 1h a day, min 5 days a week (to get rid of anxiety, fear, stress, overwhelm)

Looking back, her average revenue NOW is $13,563 and as we continued working together, in the next few months she would reach 20k months, what she wanted.

This is a REAL EXAMPLE of HOW you too can reach a $102,606 year, even if you're starting at the 2k month average.

Elise did the work, she regulated her nervous system consistently, showed up to our Mastermind calls, did her homework diligently, asked questions, we also did 2 private coaching sessions, she released her money blocks each time it was needed.

On average she worked around 30h a week, doing her nervous system regulation, serving her clients, doing Marketing and showing up to our calls and doing the homework.

She didn't work with other business coaches, her only investments were in her team/contractors that helped with lead generation, social media, copywriting, sales funnel tech tweaks.

It's YOUR time... have a 6-figure business! get the results that you’ve always dreamed of, yet you were too afraid to even say them out loud. scale your business fast BUT with ease. make burnout, struggle and overwhelm a thing of the past. 

Are You Ready to TRIPLE Your Revenue in the Next 12 Weeks?

Learn how to have a 6-figure business, because it's totally possible for you, and if you've read this far, I believe you're also ready for this expansion and all the work it entails.


1. You will understand how manifesting works, what is the formula, and the step by step process. (without this, no amount of marketing can help.)

The first thing you learn is your Baseline State of Consciousness. This will make you understand WHY you are where you are. Most of my clients are somewhere around Guilt, Shame, Unworthiness, and Overwhelm.

Then, you learn how to find all your fears, excuses, and money blocks that do not allow you to make 3x of your revenue NOW. Why isn't it safe for you to have this be your new normal?

And then you start releasing all of these, on mindset, trauma, and energy level.

By following the Manifesting Formula and seeing where you are on the manifesting Map, you are always in CONTROL.

Now, you cannot control others or the events in your life. But you can control your perception of others, what each event means, how to react, and what decisions to make.

99% of the people have no control over their lives because they have no awareness of their blocks.

They think and feel the same thoughts and feelings every day, being stuck in living a never-ending cycle of a life they don't really like.

They feel that by micromanaging the circumstances, they would feel SAFE. This is why most fempreneurs work a lot and get burned out.

But, once we stop and become aware of what we think, and why we think that way and start HEALING and releasing, we get to choose NEW THOUGHTS, feel new better feelings, and of course create a new reality, by breaking the cycle of "I never have enough". "I always need to worry".


2. You learn how to regulate your nervous system and feel safe, feel at peace, TRUST everything works out for you (no more anxiety, depression, hustle, pressure and overwhelm)

This does not mean being happy all the time, that’s toxic positivity.

It means feeling safe, building trust within yourself, having faith that you’re protected no matter what, and acknowledging your fears and releasing them.

You do learn how to do this inside the MANIFESTING QUEEN™ course, BUT I also created a SHORTCUT.

As a BONUS, you receive lifetime access to FROM POWERLESS TO POWERFUL, which is a library of self-development exercises meant to help you reach peace/joy/excitement EVERY DAY. (mindset work, trauma work, energy work, breathing work, chakra work, meridian work, tapping)

Just because you might know how to manifest that does not mean your nervous system is regulated.

I was a manifesting queen who battled with high anxiety and depression. (a manic manifestor)

I want you to be a Manifesting Queen that feels safe in her body, at peace, does everything with joy and relaxation, knows money always shows up...that's how this powerful manifesting course was born.

This happens once you practice releasing your blocks on a consistent basis. I would even go and say, on a daily basis.

But you have to know WHAT TO DO, based on where you are each day.

Some days, you wake up happy and excited.
On other days, you feel like dying, nothing works for you.

In each instance, there are things you can do, to either improve your vibration (regulate your nervous system) or to milk it (making it stronger to last longer).

This is why I created an archive of all the best MINDSET, NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION, and ENERGY WORK exercises, and they are all organized based on feelings.

For example, I start my mornings with mindset work, to make sense of what I think and feel and why. To process certain thoughts and emotions and to reparent the inner children who might be triggered.

Then I do some nervous system regulation, and it depends on how I feel when I start. It can be chakra work, meridian work, tapping, ho'oponopono, or breathwork. This helps me get back into alignment and removes the trauma shadow.

I finish with some energy work, which is usually to bring some vitality into my body and for all my systems to function optimally, so I don't have to push myself or reward myself for getting things done. Or worse, punish myself to motivate myself.


This is how I can only work 10-15-20h a week in and on my business and have a 6-figure business. When I work I am focused, I am in alignment, I do the tasks that bring in sales, and I don't waste time worrying, comparing, or studying what others do for confirmation.

3. You update your MARKETING strategy and release the marketing blocks

If you want to manifest money in your business, you ALSO need a simple marketing strategy that you apply consistently, while tweaking and adjusting it month by month.

We check and tweak your:

OFFERs & Pricing - Are you excited about your offers? Could they need some improvement? Are they priced accordingly with your money goals? Do you need to create new offers to add to your stack? Could you add
high ticket services as part of your offering?

IDEAL CLIENT - Are you speaking to a targeted Ideal Client? Do you understand what they think, feel, need, want, desire, stress about? Is this reflected on your sales pages and in your content? Could you tweak something here?

CONTENT strategy - Are you consistent? How can you make it easier for you to publish great content that converts? What type of content comes easy to you, to post daily? How can we narrow the focus on one platform to maximise your reach? Do you have SOPs? Do you need to hire more help?

LEAD generating strategy - Do you have one? Are you consistent with it? What can you tweak to bring in more leads daily? Can you test new tools or software? Can you hire more help?

SALES strategy - Does your funnel need some tweaking? Are you following up with your potential clients? Do you have a system to track people? Can you improve your copy on your sales pages, sales emails, sales posts? Do you need to hire help? Do you need to create a new funnel?

AND to release all the blocks that show up, for each of these steps.

To be honest, just by reading the above, certain fears or excuses came to your mind, right? What if you could release them, live, with me? 

Truth be told, every Marketing strategy works.
I will say it again, every Marketing strategy works.

But some might not work for you.

You are unique.
Your current circumstances are unique.
How much time you have available is unique to you and the challenges you currently face.

You need someone to hold the space for you, as you choose what is the EASIEST, SIMPLEST Marketing strategy you can use right now, that you would be consistent with, no matter what.

And then, you need to RELEASE all blocks, fears, and excuses that show up when implementing this strategy.

"It's too easy, it cannot work!"

"I feel guilty for working so little, I don't deserve to make a lot of money"

"I should do more, I have so much time, I should fill it"

"I feel uncomfortable doing so little, I've always worked a lot"

The reason why I ended up adopting a very simple marketing strategy was because I was FORCED. I had to take care of my husband, he was extremely ill and almost dying. At the same time, I became so sick, that I only had a few hours a week in which I could think.

There was no other choice for me, I had to figure out how to work a little and still make all the money to pay for medical bills, rent, food, and business bills.

Depending on where you are in your life, maybe you have kids and your time is limited, maybe you have chronic fatigue and you don't have a lot of energy to put into working, or maybe you feel overwhelmed because you are everywhere and doing too much and you're on the verge of burnout...

Let's look over your strategy and see what improvements can we make.

Let's see how we can make it feel easier.
Let's see how we can bring more sales.

Does it make sense, how and why MANIFESTING QUEEN™ works and helps you 3x your revenue?

Just imagine for a second, how would your life change, how would your business change, and what would you be able to buy or pay off, if you made $6,000 per month and had a plan to reach $100,000 by the end of the year?

TAKE A DEEP BREATH IN … EXHALE … step into your body and feel … 

Is joining MANIFESTING QUEEN™ NOW my next step?


During COVID-19 lockdown, I had a block about receiving money easily. I felt guilty since so many lost their jobs.

Then, I decided to try Roswitha's way: did her forgiveness exercises + light tapping and exercises from The Powerless to Powerful. Not even a week later, I received $1,450 in my bank account.

This sh*t works!!!

— Lacrima C.

Introducing the MANIFESTING QUEEN™ (MQ) Course for Fempreneurs

There are a few things to remember about this course:

This is FAST(-ish)

And different.

My goal for you is TRANSFORMATION, that's why we allow two weeks for each Module of the course. This allows you to integrate the breakthroughs and see your vibration rising.

In short, the course has SIX modules and it will last a total of 12 weeks.

Because I know you’ve already gone through countless other courses, articles, podcasts, and webinars on how to grow your business, I’ve carefully selected only the best teachings, tools, and techniques. You won't be overwhelmed with 200 hours of video material or 88 exercises that you’ll have to do every day in order to manifest more money.

What we're doing in this course is at a new level.

And for best results, regulating your nervous system daily is needed. It can take a few minutes up to an huor, you get to decide.


We‘ve included videos, worksheets, transcripts and exercises to make it easy for you to apply these in your own business and experience impressive growth. You will learn and then, you'll have to apply in order to experience true change.


This is a TRANSFORMATIONAL, not a teaching experience. These are the strategies, techniques and mindset switches that elite female entrepreneurs are using to gain, almost an “unfair” advantage over their competition, grow their business to unimaginable heights all while enjoying a great life without burnout, the pressure of perfectionism and without feeling guilty whenever you’re not working.

You are not learning just rituals that you do mechanically to manifest more clients and money, you will be undergoing a transformational experience. You will become the type of person that attracts all the money and clients that she wants on autopilot.

By the end of this course you will not only know how to use manifesting as a SUPERPOWER, but you will have become a different person, you will have a higher vibrational frequency and you will no longer have to struggle with applying marketing strategies to increase your revenue.

It will become much easier for you to make decisions and actually FEEL what’s the right strategy for you. You will no longer have to apply all the strategies Guru X or Guru Y is telling you about. 

You'll Learn Some Advanced Sh*t!

This is not about making dream boards and saying affirmations in the mirror. 

You’ll learn some advanced sh*t about manifesting, mindset, trauma, and energy that they don’t teach in school, and, frankly, you won’t find anywhere else explained in such detail as they are in the MQ course

It’s not about being lazy or not doing any action — it’s about knowing which action to do that will take you where you want with the least effort and most enjoyment 

It’s not about forcing yourself to be positive, it’s about understanding your triggers, beliefs and changing them on a cellular level.

It’s not about choosing the perfect marketing strategy, it's about implementing the right strategy for you, in each chapter of your life AND it’s also about raising your vibration to a higher level, from which everything that you do works out almost magically — clients come out of nowhere, you get recommendations, you win courses and giveaways with your favorite mentors, ads are delivering spectacular results, you get invited to big podcasts etc.

This is the beauty of manifesting: it makes everything come naturally to you and this course teaches you exactly how to achieve your greatest business goals with as much enjoyment as possible.


This course was built for women entrepreneurs, in all of their forms and shapes.

(Obviously, we welcome all those who are genderfluid and/or transgender)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I am no longer anxious!!! Learning how to regulate my nervous system is everything."

"Manifesting Queen™ is my business's best-kept secret. Roswitha's course goes beyond the basics, providing a manifesting formula that's pure gold. Now, decisions come naturally, and my vibrational frequency is on a whole new level. If you're a coach or service provider, don't miss out on this transformative journey."

Harper B, Graphic Designer

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“This course is a must-take for anyone who feels stuck.”

Roswitha reshaped my business journey. In a short span, I tripled my revenue, which I thought impossible. MQ is a gem, not just teaching but transforming. Being in her energy, and having her help me create my own Marketing Strategy saved me thousands of $$$. Join MQ and Mastermind for the best combo!"

Emma, Website Developer

Go Inside the MANIFESTING QUEEN™ Course

Each module lasts for TWO WEEKS and includes video lessons, transcripts and transformational exercises to help you manifest faster and easier than ever before.


What is Manifesting

In Module 1 of this money manifesting course, we go a bit deeper into science, quantum physics to understand what manifesting is and, most importantly, WHY it works. Manifesting is not "spiritual flu flu", it's based on science. You'll also be going to learn about the different levels of consciousness and discover your baseline state of consciousness.


Letting Go of Resistance

Resistance is what keeps you from manifesting what you want in your life and it usually comes up in the forms of fears, limiting beliefs, and patterns. You'll do different exercises to spot your fears and change what's holding you back from making more money from your business. Here is where you learn to release your own money blocks. You'll also learn about contradictions in the energy that you put out. You're going to work on your mindset, trauma, and energetic body.


Feeling Worthy

We manifest what we feel that we deserve. You will learn the importance of raising your self-esteem and you will get access to exercises that help you raise your level of "worthiness" + learn about the most common excuses fempreneurs have when it comes to manifesting what they want.


Inspired Action

Not every action is taken equally (pun intended). You'll get access to powerful lessons and exercises that will help you better understand when you're taking inspired action and when you're doing work just "to get there faster". Besides this, you'll also learn about the 99-1 principle and how is the future created.


Staying in Alignment

Here we're taking the manifesting game to a higher level as you'll learn the most common things that take you out of alignment and how to spot that early on. There's a cool and powerful appreciation challenge that will teach you the difference between gratitude and appreciation.


Dealing with Contrast

Probably the most important skill you can develop is seeing the blessings in every situation, turning challenges into opportunities. In this last Module, we'll talk about challenges or negative experiences - why they happen, what's their purpose and how to turn any such situation to your advantage.


I carefully selected 20 different exercises (mindset, trauma releasing, energy work) that I have practiced since 2011 and organized them based on EMOTIONS. Each state of being requires different releasing exercises.
(this is why meditation didn't work for me, because I used to force myself to do it when I was depressed or highly anxious)
By using this daily, you learn how to regulate your nervous system stay in alignment, and take inspired action.
As you can see, you pick the emotion that is active in you and you choose 1 or more exercises to do in order to shift your energy and move up the scale of emotions.

Go Inside the MASTERMIND

women entrepreneurs mastermind

Here is where you receive 1:1 and group support (4 women at a time)

Each month we meet live 3 times. These sessions are always RECORDED and you have access to them for as long as you are in the Mastermind group.

The first call of the month is always about MARKETING and strategy, where we personalize it to you and your needs, if you show up live.

Because there are max 4 women at a time, I get to talk to you and help you personally.

The other 2 calls, each month, are RELEASES on the blocks, fears, and excuses that show up when you implement the Marketing strategies.

In these calls, we might need to do a little mindset work and then do very personalized releases, the more clear we are on what the blocks are, the bigger the release and the faster your reality will change.

Showing up for these calls is crucial.

Some of you might also get a one-on-one session with me to release blocks on DNA, soul, and past life levels, depending on what offer you buy. This is next-level sh$t. This is what I do with my private clients in my 1:1 containers.

You will also receive access to 26 MASTERCLASSES, where we dive deeper into MANIFESTING, MONEY, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, BUSINESS, and HEALTH.

Here is a sneak-peak.

money manifesting course curriculum
money manifesting course curriculum
money manifesting course curriculum


When you apply my
Manifesting Money Process...

...and you do the work to raise your vibration, clients come naturally to you, opportunities appear out of nowhere and business becomes exciting again. You wake up ever day expecting to be surprised by the Universe instead of the constant disappointment that you’ve experienced. Hustle becomes a thing of the past!

Here's What's Included When You Enroll TODAY

Let's triple your revenue and get the results you've always dreamed of, leading to a 6-figure business.



Value = $1,999

The transformational course on manifesting will totally transform how you do business. Forever. You'll learn how and why it's possible for you to make more money, work less, and live your best life ever. It's not about effort, it's not even about smarts. It's about alignment. 
And, most importantly, you'll learn how to delegate, not just to your team, but to the higher power/God/Universe. 

Read here about the modules.


5 Month Free Access To The MASTERMIND Group
Value = $11,658

You get to join 15 live coaching calls, edit and update your Marketing Strategy so it's easy and fast to implement and release all your Marketing Blocks.

At the same time, get access to 26 MASTERCLASSES on Manifesting, Business, Health, Emotional Intelligence, and Money. These are in-depth trainings, to fix any blind spots you might have.

Read here about Mastermind.


From PowerLESS to PowerFUL

Value = $1,111

Learn how the law of attraction works based on science, understand the different frequencies of emotions and get access to 20+ exercises you can do to increase your emotional well-being in a matter of minutes. You have 36 different types of emotions to choose from.
Read here for more details.


12 Premium Meditations

Value = $497

These meditations were created for my private Mastermind clients. They are absolutely amazing, we had one manifesting queen saying she listen to the self esteem meditation, went to the office and out of 3 client meetings she close all of them. She had a 100% conversion rate. It was unbelievable and she credit it all to the meditation.


Access the Course on Smartphone

Value = priceless

You can access the course materials on your smartphone (iOS) so you can watch lessons on the go and get your dose of manifesting.


Lifetime Updates

Value = priceless

The Manifesting Queen course was improved 3 times in the last 18 months. The Powerless to Powerful course was improved twice in the last 18 months. Imagine this over a 10 year period...


"Quick Revenue, Queen" Course

Value = $565

This BONUS is for all the queens that need a rapid cash influx. Sometimes we have a lot of time to go though all the modules and 3x our revenue in 12 weeks, but other times we need to manifest much much faster. This is an 8-day crash course on getting more clients and revenue - based on my free Manifesting Challenge that helped female entrepreneurs manifest over $200,000 in 5 days.


65 Money Fears That Push Money Away

Value = $149

In module 2 you learn that in order to receive what you've asked for, you start by letting go of any resistance you might have towards that desire. With this BONUS I am taking Module 2 one step further. I created 65 examples of Money Fears that you might have, in general when you think about money and abundance.


130 Money Excuses That Keep You Broke

Value = $287

In module 3 you learn that in order to allow what you've asked for, you need to be feeling worthy of your desire. With this BONUS I am taking Module 3 one step further. I created 130 examples of Money Excuses that you might have, in general when you think about money and abundance. Once you're aware of these excuses and start working on them, they stop controlling your life and money will flow much easier your way.


Full Business AUDIT From my Team

Value = $499

My team will review your website, your social media platforms, your services, pricing, funnels...and give you 10 marketing recommendations to increase your revenue. (you can request this via email anytime in the first 4 months)


ONE 1:1 session with me to release blocks on DNA, soul, and past lives levels
Value = $777

If you purchase the Bundle and pay in full, you'll receive this bonus. If you only buy the MASTERMIND for 4 months and pay in full, you will receive this bonus.
During this session we get to go very deep there are instant manifestations. I had clients who manifested $500-$700 the next day, or a trip to New York paid for, or a new pay-in-full client, or becoming viral on TikTok.


= $16,266 +

$499if paid full+$777if paid full

= $17,542


= $3,588 if paid full

That's 80% off!!

Are you ready to turn your $3,000/months into $10,000/months?

Learn how to scale to 6-figures using proven manifesting money and clients strategies and systems designed for elite female entrepreneurs.

About Roswitha Herman

Roswitha Herman Manifesting Coach

Roswitha Herman is a Certified Coach since 2015 and the Best-Selling Author of the book "Young, Creative and Overwhelmed".

In my early 20s, I was very poor. But I had high self-confidence and I was the most ambitious person I knew, trusting myself to accomplish everything I wanted.

First, I needed money to support myself through college ->>> solution: get a straight-A scholarship at Polytechnic University. (studied my a$$ off)

Second, I wanted to travel the world ->>> solution: do a lot of volunteer work, and travel all over Europe, for very little money (food and accommodation were always taken care of) (worked my a$$ off)

Third, be in the front row at New York Fashion Week ->>> solution: start a fashion blog. It only took 4 years, and finally, in the fall of 2014, we were invited to ALL major fashion weeks worldwide. My team went to London, Paris, Milan, etc, and me and my boyfriend went to NYFW. I finally had front-row seats. I, a girl from Romania, which back then was a third-world country. (did I mention I was working ALL the time?!)

Fourth, be recognized for my coaching skills, even though I was a 24-year-old coach ->>>solution: get someone BIG in the industry to vouch for me, so I applied to be in Tony Robbins's team. I was the youngest coach to be accepted, out of 2,000 applicants. (it only took 8 months of endless interviews, tests, and sample coaching sessions)

I always KNEW how to manifest my dreams.
This is why, my clients called me "Manifesting Queen".

But, the way I was manifesting, was through hard work, hustle, neglecting my health, neglecting relationships, comparison, depression, and high anxiety.

I was either winning or losing, there was no self-compassion.

Years of living this way brought burnout and a new layer of responsibility - taking care of my chronically ill husband for years.

This made me even more in masculine energy and addicted to struggle.

In 2019, I just broke down.

I needed a new way of manifesting. I needed to understand how it actually works and how to achieve all my dreams without working so hard, without comparing myself with everyone and feeling ashamed or guilty, and without living in constant anxiety and depression.

That's how this whole offer was born.

In 2020, we launched
MANIFESTING QUEEN™ with the bonus from Powerless to Powerful, which back then had only a few mindset exercises.

We helped women manifest over $250,000 in just 5 days with a few of the teachings that are inside
MANIFESTING QUEEN™. This was at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic when everyone was freaking out.

In 2021, I got certified as an EFT and TFT practitioner, Ho'oponopono practitioner, and Eden method practitioner and started to study trauma in-depth.

In 2022, with my newfound knowledge of nervous system regulation, I also added 3 new modalities to my practice: theta healing, the Sedona method, and the heart wall method.

Now, I have been developing my own Releasing Money Blocks method, which combines parts of all other techniques I am certified in. This is what I do with my private clients when we release blocks on DNA, soul level, past lives level, subconscious mind, all organs and cells in the body, nervous system, and mindset level.

My BIG GOAL NOW, is to help 100 fempreneurs create a 6-fig business, even if they are just making $2,000/mo from their purpose-driven business.

I know that no matter where you live, having a 10K month would allow you to take care of your family and live a comfortable life.

I want all of us, to live a comfortable life, and get there feeling at peace, with joy and relaxation.

And I always get what I want.

Will you do me the honor to be one of the 100? Do you know anyone else who would want to join too?

Help me fulfill my dream and in return create a whole new economy, where women make good money and share in their wealth.

What to expect by the end of this transformational course?

By going through the MQ course and doing all the exercises, you will

  • 3x your monthly average revenue
  • go from not knowing when and where your clients will come from, to having a strategy that converts monthly at a rate you control
  • have more clarity and a greater sense of peace than ever before in your business career
  • feel more in control of your business, of generating revenue and of your emotions
  • feel more in touch with your intuition and make better decisions
  • be able to enjoy your business without the constant guilt of not doing enough
  • feel worthy of running a thriving business because it's your birth right!

Concerns, questions and real talk from beautiful clients, like YOU

1. "I don’t have the time to take another money manifesting course"

Science has proven us that time is relative. It’s not about having enough time, but rather about having the right priorities. You’re overworked and done with sacrificing in favor of your business - I get it. 

But I also get the fact that whatever you’ve been doing so far isn’t producing the results you desire and deep deep down you still believe that it's possible for you to reach the level you dream about - be that $6k/month or $10k/month.

It’s time to make a change, it’s time to try something new.  

This course can be that “change”.  

2. "I’ve been working on my mindset and belief patterns for years, there’s nothing else to solve"

I applaud you for that because not many people are willing to put in a month of this kind of work, not to mention years, but there’s always another LAYER

All the work you’ve done has brought you to this point in time where your business generates enough money for you to survive, but now it’s time for you to THRIVE. You've been hard at work, managed to make it work all the while sacrificing other areas of your life so you could put in 100+ hours/week.

It's time to become a Manifesting Queen and let the Universe/God support you and build your business to unimaginable heights without struggle.  

3. Do you have payment plans?

Yes yes yes, of course.

To make it even easier for you to join now, you can pay in six monthly instalments starting at only $349

4. "I am already making $10,000/month"

Congratulations!! That’s amazing and I am very proud of you. But there’s always another level of success, 99.9% of the time it has everything to do with working on your mindset, level of self-esteem, releasing old energy, and allowing yourself to experience even more joy.  

In your case, I would ask myself this question:

Do I have a money manifesting process that I know works for me?

=> If NO, then you need this course because the only way to scale with EASE and without being overwhelmed and more work, you need to know how to manifest and remove your money blocks as they show up

=> If YES, then check in with yourself and see if maybe just joining the MASTERMIND would be the next step. Is a very low-cost Mastermind for you, and it would help you remove your marketing blocks. If you feel like you have no Marketing blocks, then you're probably suited for my 1:1 programs. Here is where we go deep into DNA blocks, PAST LIVES blocks, and SOUL blocks. This is a unique service. DM me and let's chat about it.

More ladies who 💕 the course

"I redid MQ 2 times in a span of 6 months. This helped me 8x my revenue and manifest a new credit line with very low interest, which I used to buy all the tools I needed to expand my services and scale further."

- Camelia Nicoleta

"I forced myself for years to think positively because I believed this is what manifesting meant. I was constantly ashamed of my small results, blaming myself for not being better and pushing myself even more. Now, I have finally found a new way and Roswitha's 5-step formula is the answer. I now hold space for myself to have all my emotions and parent my inner children when they feel scared or anxious. I owe it all to MQ course, the bonuses, and Roswitha's live calls."

- Sheila Jackson

"Not only did Roswitha get me out of debt, which I acquired invested in other coaching programs, but she also helped me generate more money while working half the hours. I had huge blocks around hustling and not trusting others to delegate. Now I have a small team and I can take care of my son without guilt."

- Andreea Barger

Since I know that you may be wondering, here are some...

Samples of EXACTLY What You'll Learn Inside this Money Manifesting Course 

  • Intro to Quantum Physics and How Our Mind Works
  • How Emotions and Feelings Dictate What we Manifest
  • What's the Manifesting FORMULA and How to Use it to Your Advantage.
  • How to Spot Your Fears & How to Release Limiting Beliefs
  • How to Increase Your Level of Worthiness
  • The 99-1 Principle When it Comes to Taking Action
  • The Difference Between Gratitude and Appreciation
  • What's the True PURPOSE of Negative Experiences
  • Some of the Most Common Things That Get you Out of Alignment
  • and many more exciting and mind-blowing lessons

You are covered by our 30 days money-back guarantee

To spice things up, you have 30 days to ask for your money back, under specific conditions.

We need to keep fraud to a minimum, so in order to qualify for your money back, in case you're not satisfied, you will have to show us proof that you went through the material, did the exercises and it just didn't work for you.

Are you now ready to take this money manifesting course and transform your business?

money back guarantee

More 💕 Notes

Roswitha is a gem of a coach in the Mastermind! Her live sessions on marketing are gold. With only 4 women at a time, you get the spotlight, and Roswitha's personalized guidance is invaluable. The releases on blocks are powerful, and the results are beyond what I expected. This is more than a coaching program; it's a close-knit community with Roswitha as the guiding light to manifesting money."

Jasmine M. - Pleasure Coach

"I can't express how Roswitha's Mastermind changed my life! The live calls on marketing strategy are not just informative; they're a lifeline for my business. Roswitha's personalized attention to each woman in the group creates a sense of community and support. The releases on blocks are profound, leading to rapid shifts in my reality."

Zoe H. - Mindset Coach

Choose your preferred payment plan below.

Are You Ready to Become a MANIFESTING QUEEN and 3x your revenue, hitting 6 figures in just 12 months?

ATTENTION! You get access to the course and all bonuses in up to 24h after completing the purchase.

Here's everything you get if you join TODAY

  • The Manifesting Queen (MQ) Course value = $1,999 
    The transformational money manifesting course that will totally transform how you do business. Forever. You'll learn how and why it's possible for you to make more money, work less and live your best life ever. It's not about effort, it's not even about smarts. It's about alignment. 
    And, most importantly, you'll learn how to delegate, but not to your team, to the higher power/God/Universe. 
  • 5 Month Free Access To The Mastermind Group value = $11,658
    You get to join 15 live coaching calls, and edit and update your Marketing Strategy so it's easy and fast to implement and release all your Marketing Blocks.
    At the same time, get access to 26 MASTERCLASSES on Manifesting, Business, Health, Emotional Intelligence, and Money. These are in-depth trainings, to fix any blind spots you might have.
  • From PowerLESS to PowerFUL Course value = $1,111 
    Learn how the law of attraction works based on science, understand the different frequencies of emotions and get access to 19+ exercises you can do to increases your emotional wellbeing in a matter of minutes. 
  • 12 Premium Meditations value = $497
    They are absolutely amazing, we had one manifesting queen saying she listen to the self esteem meditation, went to the office and out of 3 client meetings she close all of them. She had a 100% conversion rate. It was unbelievable and she credit it all to the meditation.
  • Access the Course on Your Smartphone value = PRICELESS
    You can access the course materials on your smartphone (iOS) so you can watch lessons on the go and get your dose of manifesting.
  • Lifetime Updates value = PRICLESS
    The Manifesting Queen course was improved 3 times in the last 18 months. The Powerless to Powerful course was improved twice in the last 18 months. Imagine this over a 10 year period...
  • "Quick Revenue, Queen" Course value = $565
    This is an 8-day crash course on getting more clients and revenue - based on my free Manifesting Challenge that helped female entrepreneurs manifest over $200,000 in 5 days.
  • 65 Money Fears That Push Money Away value = $149
    In module 2 you learn that in order to receive what you've asked for, you start by letting go of any resistance you might have towards that desire. With this BONUS I am taking Module 2 one step further. I created 65 examples of Money Fears that you might have, in general when you think about money and abundance.
  • 130 Money Excuses That Keep You Broke value = $287
    In module 3 you learn that in order to allow what you've asked for, you need to be feeling worthy of your desire. With this BONUS I am taking Module 3 one step further. I created 130 examples of Money Excuses that you might have, in general when you think about money and abundance.
  • (PAY IN FULL BONUS) Full Business AUDIT From my Team value = $499
    My team will review your website, your social media platforms, your services, pricing, funnels...and give you 10 marketing recommendations to increase your revenue.ONLY if you choose to pay in full today (not through payment plans). delivered in the first 14 days upon joining) .
  • (PAY IN FULL BONUS) ONE 1:1 session with me to release blocks on DNA, soul, and past lives levels value = $777
    If you purchase the Bundle and pay in full, you'll receive this bonus. If you only buy the MASTERMIND for 4 months and pay in full, you will receive this bonus.
    During this session we get to go very deep there are instant manifestations. I had clients who manifested $500-$700 the next day, or a trip to New York paid for, or a new pay-in-full client, or becoming viral on TikTok.

Total Value = $16,266 + $499if paid full+ $777if paid full

= $17,542

You can get started for as little as $777

If you have any questions about the course or trouble with payment, please email us at

Choose the plan that gets you started

I see you.

Your needs and circumstances are unique to you and I want you to feel safe to pick whatever offer suits you best now.

It's SO IMPORTANT to get started and take action, instead of staying stuck, hoping for things to work out for you, without you changing your beliefs, having personalized support or learning/implementing how to regulate your nervous system.

There is no such thing as a <bad decision>.

I trust you are responsible and will always do your best and get the best results possible for you, in every instance.

This is why I have you 2 options, you can GET everything or you can get started just with the course, whatever suits you best now! You can always UPGRADE.


$239/mo or $1,297 PIF

  • The Manifesting Queen (MQ) Course value = $1,999 
  • ONE Month Free Access To The Mastermind value = $2,332
  • From PowerLESS to PowerFUL Course value = $1,111 
  • 12 Premium Meditations value = $497
  • "Quick Revenue, Queen" Course value = $565
  • 130 Money Excuses That Keep You Broke value = $287
  • 65 Money Fears That Push Money Away value = $149
  • PIF BONUS: Full Business AUDIT From my Team value = $499
  • PIF BONUS: one 1:1 session with me to release blocks on DNA, soul and past lives levels value = $777



$777/mo or $3,588 PIF

  • The Manifesting Queen (MQ) Course value = $1,999 
  • 5 Months Free Access To The Mastermind value = $11,658
  • From PowerLESS to PowerFUL Course value = $1,111 
  • 12 Premium Meditations value = $497
  • "Quick Revenue, Queen" Course value = $565
  • 130 Money Excuses That Keep You Broke value = $287
  • 65 Money Fears That Push Money Away value = $149
  • PIF BONUS: Full Business AUDIT From my Team value = $499
  • PIF BONUS: one 1:1 session with me to release blocks on DNA, soul and past lives levels value = $777

Questions & Answers

Do I need to have a business to join this course?

Yes. It is recommended to have a business, and if you desire a 6 fig year, you should be making $2,000/month on average, before you join. You need to have a product or a service to sell, although the manifesting money principles and strategies that you learn inside will be helpful in any area of your life.

Does the course come with a community element?

Yes, inside the MASTERMIND, it does come with a community element: a Facebook group where we have daily interactions and monthly group coaching calls. Roswitha will be in the group to answer any questions. This feature alone, along with the group coaching calls is worth way more than what you're paying for this course.

When does the course START? Do I get instant access?

You get access in up to 24h upon payment completion. Please look out for an email from "Roswitha Herman" roswitha @, with instructions on how to access your purchase.

Can I do it on my own schedule or do I have to show up at certain times? 

You can do it at your own pace, however we do recommend that you don’t take more than 6 months to complete this course or you will risk losing momentum, hence having less extraordinary results. However, please note that you cannot access the whole course in the first week - only one module at a time gets unlocked, to ease with overwhelm and the pressure of doing it all at once (I see you, overachievers).  

Why does each Module open up every two weeks instead of weekly?

First, we structured the course this way to avoid overwhelming you. Secondly, transformation takes time, and having two weeks for each module will allow you to digest each lesson and breakthrough, hence building a stronger foundation for the rest of your life.

When will I get access to my BONUSES?

You get access to the Bonuses in the first 48h after you complete the purchase. You will receive an email from Roswitha, to create an account so you can access all your bonuses.

What if I don’t like the product? Can I get my money back?

Yes, you can get your money back under certain rules in the first 30 days. 1) you must complete at least two modules and 2) you must show proof of actually doing ALL exercises presented in the course. We totally understand if it’s not what you hoped it to be, but we need to take certain measures to prevent fraud.

What happens after I complete the purchase?

Once you complete the payment, you will be redirected to a confirmation page and you will receive confirmation emails about your purchase, from us and from the payment processing company.

You will then receive emails with instructions on how to access the course - in up to 24h. These emails will be from Roswitha Herman.

Any trouble that you have, please reach out to

How is the product delivered?

This course is delivered in short video lessons. Each lesson comes with a text transcript for those of you who like reading or skimming through the material. Everything is hosted on a separate platform where you'll have to login with the details provided via email after you join the course. 

Can I pay in monthly installments? How many?

You can pay in 6 monthly installments. Please refer to the pricing section of this page (click here).

What personal data are you collecting?

We’re collecting your full name, phone number, address and email address. If, at any point, you wish us to delete all (or some data), please email us at 

Is this a “get-rich-quick” program or am I guaranteed to generate more revenue? 

This is NOT a “get-rich-quick” program nor does it guarantee specific financial gain. It is up to you to do the work and making the mindset shifts that will, in turn, greatly increase your chances of taking your business to the level it deserves. This course is based on my own experience with scaling this business and on my work with tens of private clients over the years. 

I do, however, have total faith in these teachings as they can be very powerful tools and I am sure they will have a positive impact on your business and life. 

Still, got unanswered questions? Feel free to reach out to us at: or DM me on IG @roswithaherman

Earnings Disclaimer: Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of the information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results. 

We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this website or product.

You understand that with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.