Roswitha Herman Manifesting Coach and Money Coach

Manifest Your Dream 6+ Figures Business by Shifting Your Limiting Money Beliefs

Manifesting Coach. Money Coach. Best-selling Author. Dog Mom.

Have you tried many marketing strategies and none seemed to deliver the results you hoped for?

Are you working a lot in your business and the thought of 3x-ing your revenue comes with the pressure of working 3x more or needing a much bigger team?

This is because you haven't yet worked on releasing your MONEY BLOCKS. You might have done money mindset, but that is not enough.

You also need to release those limiting beliefs from your nervous system, energetic system or even from your DNA, cells or from past lives.


Hi, I’m

Roswitha Herman.

Manifesting Coach for Women Entrepreneurs.

I am a Certified Coach since 2015 and the Best-Selling Author of the book "Young, Creative and Overwhelmed".

In my early 20s, I was poor. But I had high self-confidence and I was the most ambitious person I knew, trusting myself to accomplish everything I wanted. (hello straight A-scholarship in engineering) I always KNEW how to manifest my dreams. This is why, my clients called me "Manifesting Queen".

But, the way I was manifesting, was through hard work, hustle, neglecting my health, neglecting relationships, comparison, depression, and high anxiety.

Years of living this way brought burnout and a new layer of responsibility - taking care of my chronically ill husband for years. This made me even more addicted to struggle. In 2019, I just broke down.

I needed a new way of manifesting. I needed to understand how it actually works and how to achieve all my dreams without working so hard, without comparing myself with everyone and feeling ashamed or guilty, and without living in constant anxiety and depression.

This is how
MANIFESTING QUEENβ„’ was born and how we helped women manifest over $250,000 in just 5 days.

Since 2023, I have been developing my own Releasing Money Blocks method, which combines parts of all other techniques I am certified in (EFT/TFT, Ho'oponopono, Eden method, Theta healing, Sedona method, Heart wall method to name a few).

This is what I do with my private clients when we release blocks on DNA, soul level, past lives level, subconscious mind, all organs and cells in the body, nervous system, and mindset level.

My BIG GOAL NOW, is to help 100 women entrepreneurs create a 6-fig business, even if they are just making $2,000/mo from their passion business.

I know that no matter where you live, having a $10K month would allow you to take care of your family and live a comfortable life. I want all of us, to live a comfortable life, and get there while feeling joyful and relaxed every day. And I always get what I want πŸ˜† so you're in good hands.


Come say "hey girl" on Instagram!

This is the place where I am most active socially, where I share *exclusive* content about shifting your money story and behind the scenes of my entrepreneurial journey.

If you're not interested in any of these, at least come to see my dog, Angel, in my stories.

Follow me on Instagram

Ways to Work with Roswitha

Private 1:1 Coaching

Are you a 6-7 figure per year business owner?

Have you been working on your money mindset for years and you feel like now it's time for deeper work?

Would you find it fun and exiting to investigate and release ALL YOUR BLOCKS on DNA level, PAST LIFE level and SOUL level?

My clients noticed how they:

1️⃣ no longer have the same fears every time they launch a product/service (none of the old fears came back)

2️⃣ no longer need to do mindset work daily (because they no longer have the same thoughts they always had)

3️⃣ are very calm, trustful, safe in their bodies, patient, loving towards their team and partners and overall 150% happier.

It's your time to work with a manifesting coach that can help you release those stubborn money blocks from all levels so your business can explode!

Let's chat & work together!


Are you desiring a small intimate group of 4-5 women, that you meet with regularly, where you get to be seen, you get to be coached, you get to have all your questions answered during each call?

Do you want a coach who is trauma-aware, knows how to hold the space, knows how to ask powerful questions and hold you at high standards while showering you with compassion and love?

Have you ever done marketing blocks releasing? Not just mindset, but also from your body, your nervous system, your subconscious mind?

When you join my intimate Mastermind, we focus on tweaking each part of our marketing while uncovering and releasing all the blocks that show up, live, together.


Are you desiring a small intimate group of 4-5 women, that you meet with regularly, where you get to be seen, you get to be coached, you get to have all your questions answered during each call?

Do you want a coach who is trauma-aware, knows how to hold the space, knows how to ask powerful questions and hold you at high standards while showering you with compassion and love?

Have you ever done marketing blocks releasing? Not just mindset, but also from your body, your nervous system, your subconscious mind?

When you join my intimate Mastermind, we focus on tweaking each part of our marketing while uncovering and releasing all the blocks that show up, live, together.

One-off Sessions

Sometimes we are not ready to invest in a 3-6 month coaching program and work with a manifesting coach, but we do want to experience a powerful session.

This is why I offer two types of one-off sessions: the first one is about investigating your money blocks that you brought from past lives and their blessings.

And the second one is where we release all the stuck emotions from your heart wall. This created a protective layer around you, which is hindering you from feeling happy, strong, free, loved.

Click below to see which one would be the best fit for you!

Remove your heart wall


Reach Your Revenue Goals by Releasing Your Biggest Money Blocks

Whether it’s shame of charging your worth, constantly over-delivering or believing that more money leads to more stress, this hypnosis will guide you to release whatever is blocking you from building a business you love telling people about.

You deserve a business that SUPPORTS you month after month in living your dream life without sacrificing your mental health, spending time with your loved ones or traveling the world.

Listen to the [FREE] Hypnosis now!

EFT Tapping Bundle: Release the 4 Biggest Money Blocks Stopping You From Getting Consistent Clients & Building Financial Stability

Step into a transformative journey with this exclusive bundle of 4 EFT tapping videos, meticulously designed to unravel and dissolve the deepest-seated money blocks that have been holding you back from realizing your true entrepreneurial potential. 

Release the following money blocks and take control of your business and cashflow:


Release the Unconscious Fear of being Judged & Criticized if you Become Successful


Release the Belief That More Money Equals Stress


Release the Belief in a Limited Pool of Clients


Release the Fear that Charging More will Make You Lose Clients

Get the EFT Bundle now!

EFT Tapping Bundle: Release the 4 Biggest Money Blocks Stopping You From Getting Consistent Clients & Building Financial Stability

Step into a transformative journey with this exclusive bundle of 4 EFT tapping videos, meticulously designed to unravel and dissolve the deepest-seated money blocks that have been holding you back from realizing your true entrepreneurial potential. 

Release the following money blocks and take control of your business and cashflow:


Release the Unconscious Fear of being Judged & Criticized if you Become Successful


Release the Belief That More Money Equals Stress


Release the Belief in a Limited Pool of Clients


Release the Fear that Charging More will Make You Lose Clients

Get the EFT Bundle now!

Get Your [FREE] Mandala Coloring Book with Money Affirmations

*in digital format

Dive into this free Coloring Book and treat yourself to a double dose of relaxation and mindset shift! As you color the beautiful mandalas, soak in the empowering affirmations sprinkled throughout the pages.

It's like a spa day for your mind and spirit, helping you unwind while upgrading your money mindset.

This is, hands down, the easiest and most enjoyable way to shift your money story. Grab your free copy now and let the coloring therapy begin!

Get Yours Now!

Are YOU Ready to Have a minimum $100K Year & Triple (3x) Your Current Revenue in just 12 weeks?!

Why do some coaches and service providers make 3x more in their online business while feeling safe with money, working 20 hours a week and using simple Marketing Strategies?

  • They know how to manifest money and how to find and release their money blocks (NOT just money mindset, but also money trauma releasing and working on the energetic level)
  • They know how to have a regulated nervous system and how to be consistent with their strategy and action plan (No more micro-managing or procrastinating the big actions in their business because they feel overwhelmed)

  • They have group support and 1:1 support, feeling seen and having their own issues resolved, not just general issues (#personalizedsupport)
  • They proactively improve their Marketing - because let's face it, we can always tweak our offer, content strategy, lead generation, or how we scale, for better results

This is all POSSIBLE when you join my signature course + mastermind: MANIFESTING QUEENβ„’

This is what people are saying about Manifesting Queenβ„’

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

β€œI am no longer anxious!!! Learning how to regulate my nervous system is everything."

"Manifesting Queenβ„’ is my business's best-kept secret. Roswitha's course goes beyond the basics, providing a manifesting formula that's pure gold. Now, decisions come naturally, and my vibrational frequency is on a whole new level. If you're a coach or service provider, don't miss out on this transformative journey."

Harper B, Graphic Designer

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

β€œThis course is a must-take for anyone who feels stuck.”

"I never knew I needed a manifesting coach in my life. Roswitha reshaped my business journey. In a short span, I tripled my revenue, which I thought impossible. MQ is a gem, not just teaching but transforming. Being in her energy, and having her help me create my own Marketing Strategy saved me thousands of $$$. Join MQ and Mastermind for the best combo!"

Emma, Website Developer

From Roswitha's BLOG

Next article is dropping soon.

What is a money mindset definition examples resources

What is a Money Mindset: Definition. Examples. Resources.

50 positive money beliefs for entrepreneurs

50+ Positive Money Beliefs for Creative Entrepreneurs

Money blocks 20 hottest questions answered for entrepreneurs

Money Blocks: 50+ Hottest Questions Answered

Manifesting money is easy once you remove these 6 money blocks

Manifesting Money is Easy Once You Release These 6 Money Blocks

High ticket services 4 money blocks limiting your success

High Ticket Services: 4 Money Beliefs Limiting Your Success

Let’s Work Together!

Ready to work with a manifesting coach 1:1? Or with a money coach? What about both??

Got questions about any of my products?

Do you want to have me as a guest on your podcast? Or simply want to say "hey girl"?

Send me an email and let's chat!

or click here to send me a DM on Instagram πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ (I am active AF πŸ™ˆ)

Let’s Work Together!

Ready to work with a manifesting coach 1:1? Or with a money coach? What about both??

Got questions about any of my products?

Do you want to have me as a guest on your podcast?

Or simply want to say "hey girl"?

Send me an email and let's chat!

or send a DM on Instagram πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ (I am active AF πŸ™ˆ)