What does Manifesting Queen mean?

No, not just money
You can be an extraordinary CEO and make $1,000,000/year BUT if you are always alone, you have no time for your personal life, and no time to take care of your body, you are NOT successful.

No, not just fame
In fact, you can be gorgeous and everyone can dream to be you BUT if you always do what others tell you to do because you are afraid to speak your truth, to be authentic and ask for what you want, you are NOT successful.

No, not just family
You can have a gorgeous family BUT if you constantly fight about money, you hate your job and you live an unfulfilled life you are NOT successful.

No, not just happiness
Living in the moment has its perks, but drowning in debt and constantly running out of money without no long-term financial plan, does NOT mean you are successful.

No, not just health
Yes, health is the most important aspect of being successful. But becoming obsessed with it is no solution.

No, not just power
It is amazing to be in control and leave your mark in the world, but as long as you do not develop compassion, leadership, and kindness while doing so, you are NOT successful.

No, not just money
You can be an extraordinary entrepreneur and make $1,000,000/year BUT if you are always alone, you have no time for your personal life, and no time to take care of your body, you are NOT a Manifesting Queen.

No, not just fame
In fact, you can be gorgeous and everyone can dream to be you BUT if you always do what others tell you to do because you are afraid to speak your truth, to be authentic and ask for what you want, you are NOT a Manifesting Queen.

No, not just family
You can have a gorgeous family BUT if you constantly fight about money, you never feel good enough or safe in your nervous system and you live an unfulfilled life you are NOT a Manifesting Queen.

No, not just happiness
Living in the moment has its perks, but drowning in debt and constantly running out of money without a long-term financial plan, does NOT mean you are a Manifesting Queen.
No, not just health
Yes, health is the most important aspect of being successful and a Manifesting Queen. But health is not sustainable without every other aspect of life mentioned above.

No, not just power
It is amazing to be in control and leave your mark in the world, but as long as you do not develop compassion, leadership, and kindness while doing so, you are NOT a Manifesting Queen.

M anifesting Queen is a beautiful woman in and out, that walks with confidence, that has a big smile on her face and compassionate eyes, that speaks her truth and is able to stand tall, defend her values and put her needs first through assertiveness and diplomacy.
She treats her body as a temple, she knows what to eat for her body type, she loves food and food loves her, she gets the rest she needs, she finds joy in exercising and every time you see her, she is glowing.
She understands that money is energy and that she has full control over making more money. She knows how to spend her money wisely, she is an avid donor for her passion causes, she saves money each month and she knows that true wealth is built through investments, which she is very good at.
She does not depend on a man to save her. She is a Wonder woman. She is strong, powerful, capable of accomplishing all of her dreams, but at the same time, she knows she cannot be complete without a partner. Someone to grow together with, someone to share her love with, someone to take her to her full potential.
She has meaningful relationships and she is adored by everyone who meets her. She is positive, charismatic, fun to be around. Her honesty and kindness are always appreciated. She knows how to solve conflicts. She does not need her “victim mask” to manipulate people, she is able to ask for what she wants clearly and with confidence.
She loves the world and she is actively looking to leave a mark, through her gifts. She leads a fulfilled life and wakes up every morning happy to be alive.
Manifesting Queen
You’re here because you want to learn how to make more money in your business…
…while working less.
…while having fun and doing what ignites you.
…without guilt, shame, comparison…
…without hustle, constant worry, and burnout.
Do I teach a 5 step *magic* formula to make this possible?
Actually, I do, but it won’t make a difference.
In fact, I’ll teach you the Manifesting Formula for free, I’ll spill my secrets in the free training.
Because REAL change and “overnight” $10,000 months, come from INTEGRATION, not information.
Integration means doing the mindset, becoming aware of your own fears and excuses, discovering your own trauma and its layers, and doing energetic practices to embody that version of yourself that can hold the space for this level of abundance and ease you dream of.
This work takes time and NEEDS constant support.
I am here for you. The other queens are here for you. Whenever you’re ready.
Manifesting Queen
You’re here because you want to learn how to make more money in your business…
…while working less.
…while having fun and doing what ignites you.
…without guilt, shame, comparison…
…without hustle, constant worry, and burnout.
Do I teach a 5 step *magic* formula to make this possible?
Actually, I do, but that won’t make a difference.
In fact, I’ll teach you the Manifesting Formula and my Manifesting Process for FREE, I’ll spill my secrets in the free training.
Because REAL change and “overnight” $10,000 months, come from INTEGRATION, not just information.
Integration means doing the mindset, becoming aware of your own fears and excuses, discovering your own trauma and its layers, and doing energetic practices to embody that version of yourself that can hold the space for this level of abundance and ease you dream of.
This work takes time and NEEDS constant support.
I am here for you. The other queens are here for you. Whenever you’re ready.
Enrollment for the Extraordinary Success Mastermind is ALWAYS OPEN.
You can join anytime or cancel anytime. We are cool this way.
Let me help you enhance your success in a way that fits effortlessly into your life!
Private Coaching
6-month program
I get emails all the time, from women just like you that need guidance. Frequently asked questions:
- How do I stop making the same mistakes and repeating my old patterns? I’m ready to create long-term change.
- How can I lose weight or cure my illnesses through holistic approaches?
- How can I get rid of my debt and finally have financial security?
- How do I stop dating the wrong guys and find the one for me, the one who is willing to start a family?
- How do I bring in those $10,000-$20,000 months while working the same hours or less?
No matter how many books on self-development we read or how many times we share positive vibes on social media, all of us can benefit greatly from more guidance. Working with a coach is a powerful experience because you get personalized help from an expert, something no book or course could ever give you.
If these questions resonate with you, then congratulations, you’re here for a reason! All the guidance and support you’re seeking is right here.
The private nature of coaching allows for remarkable transformations in short periods of time. A coach can point out your limitation and sabotages and help you experience miraculous shifts that last a lifetime.
Email me at roswitha@roswithaherman.com and tell me more about you, I’d love to be your coach.
Here’s What You Can Expect
Consultation: You’ll get a free 30-minute consultation to see if I can help you and if we are a perfect match.
Sessions: We’ll meet for 24 private coaching sessions. Each one, for 50-minute over Zoom. Some will be coaching sessions, others will be healing sessions (I am certified in a few methodologies), others will be check-ins and working on Marketing sessions. Whatever you will be needing.
Pricing*: The cost of this program starts at €2,222/month for 6 months. If you want to pay all at once you will get a 22% discount.
Methodology: I am a certified holistic coach, a Bach Flower Remedy therapist, EFT/TFT certified practitioner, Ho’oponopono certified practitioner, Energy Medicine practitioner.
The results: You can expect awesome results! Coaching clients have gone on to change careers, manifest romantic relationships, heal food and body image issues, clear financial fears and create mind-blowing abundance. Expect miracles.
A few examples:
– getting to 20K months while cutting down 50% of the work
– health your gut and start having energy and healing mental issues (anxiety, depression)
– overall a state of safety and in tune with the whole Universe
Are you ready to change your patterns, manifest your dreams and totally transform your life? If the answer is yes, then you’re ready to train with me! Get started below.
Forging diamonds in over 8 countries and 4 continents
Meet my private clients
Forging diamonds in over 8 countries and 4 continents
I see success as our highest purpose in life.
If we are well, healthy and full of energy we can inspire others to be the same. If we are wealthy, we can teach others to do the same. We can donate more and make a big change in the world. If we are loving and compassionate, we can heal the world (Our love frequency can lift up 75,000 people – read my best-selling book “Young, Creative & Overwhelmed”). If we are confident and powerful we can be an example for all the young girls to speak up and become who they dream to be.
Success is not just for “certain” women. Success is FOR EVERYONE. But, first, you need to WANT it. You need to be ready to CHANGE.
Nothing works, unless you do.
ROSWITHA HERMAN • Your Manifesting Business Coach
I see success as our highest purpose in life.
If we are well, healthy and full of energy we can inspire others to be the same. If we are wealthy, we can teach others to do the same. We can donate more and make a big change in the world. If we are loving and compassionate, we can heal the world (Our love frequency can lift up 75,000 people – read my best-selling book “Young, Creative & Overwhelmed”). If we are confident and powerful we can be an example for all the young girls to speak up and become who they dream to be.
Success is not just for “certain” women. Success is FOR EVERYONE. But, first, you need to WANT it. You need to be ready to CHANGE.
Nothing works, unless you do.
ROSWITHA HERMAN • Your Success Coach
Appeared in…
How to Increase Your Creativity in 15 Minutes a Day – Inc.com
How To Measure Success In An Unorthodox Way – Huffington Post
A Guide For Perfectionists Looking To Add More Balance To Their Life – Huffington Post
3 Reasons For Food Cravings And Ways To Deal With It – CureJoy
Podcast Interview – Ep 45: If You Start Something, You Don’t Need To Do It Forever