About Roswitha
Citizen of Earth – In Love With Life – Nonstop Grateful
Happy wife, married to my high school sweetheart, Mihai Herman. Loving momma of Angel, our bolognese bichon baby. In love with beauty. Occasional binge-watcher. Always looking forward to my parents’ Sunday lunch. Highly ambitious. Longing for uniqueness. Recovering perfectionist. Abraham-Hicks groupie. Libra. Partially gluten/ dairy/ sugar-free. In love with New York. Primary love language is giving and receiving gifts. If you get to know me, I am really funny.
About Roswitha
Citizen of Earth – In Love With Life – Nonstop Grateful
Happy wife, married to my high school boyfriend, Mihai Herman. Loving momma of Angel, our bolognese bichon baby. In love with beauty. Occasionally binge-watcher. Always looking forward to my parents’ Sunday lunch. Highly ambitious. Longing for uniqueness. Recovering perfectionist. Abraham-Hicks groupie. Libra. Partially gluten/ dairy/ sugar-free. In love with New York. Primary love language is giving and receiving gifts. If you get to know me, I am really funny.
The life of an overachiever
Ispent my early 20’s studying Power Engineering at University, aiming to only get straight A‘s at each exam (14 courses each year), blogging about style & fashion on the side, hoping to get invited to major fashion weeks and receive free products to review, volunteering in a students’ organization to militate for women’s rights in the engineering field which got me to travel all over Europe. At the same time, together with my (now) husband, we started about 7 online companies, from selling handmade jewelry to custom made prom dresses, marketing services, and sexy lingerie. Don’t forget, we also hand-crafted organic teaboxes. And I had 2 jobs each summer, with 80h work weeks.
If your brain hurts just by reading the words above, imagine how fried mine was by trying to do it all PERFECTLY.
I had no stop button. I had no idea what ENOUGH meant. I always had to become better, do more and have more than anyone else. Unfortunately, when there used to be no finish line, only one huge goal after the other.
I used to get up at 6:30 am and go to bed around 1 pm. I went to less than five parties in all my four years in university. I was recognized as SUCCESSFUL and a great example that other students should follow.
And yes, I had a lot of pride, and it made me feel so good knowing I was so much better than everyone else. Even my husband could not keep up with me, and for his own sanity, he did not try.
BUT, was I happy? Or healthy? Not really. I was always rushing through life to accomplish goal after goal. I never had time to smell the roses, heck I did not even see the roses. In my world, there were only endless to-do lists and immense pride in doing it all.
“Roswitha was my compass. She helped me see my true north.“
“Roswitha was my compass. She helped me see my true north.“
The life of an overachiever
In my early 20’s I was studying Power Engineering at University, aiming to only get straight A‘s to all my exams (14 courses each year), blogging about style & fashion on the side, hoping to get invited to major fashion weeks and receive free products to review, volunteering in a students’ organization to militate for women’s rights in the engineering field which got me to travel all over Europe. At the same time, together with my (now) husband, we started about 7 online companies, from selling handmade jewelry to custom made prom dresses, marketing services, and sexy lingerie. Don’t forget, we also hand-crafted organic teaboxes. And I had 2 jobs each summer, with 80h work weeks.
If your brain hurts just by reading the words above, imagine how fried mine was by doing it all PERFECTLY.
I had no stop button. I had no idea what ENOUGH meant. I always had to be better and do more and have more than anyone else and even when I got to the finish line, another huge goal was in front of me.
I used to get up at 6:30 am and go to bed around 1 pm. I went to less than 5 parties in all my 4 years of university. I was recognized as SUCCESSFUL and a great example that other students should follow.
And yes, I had a lot of pride and felt so good knowing I was so much better than everyone else. Even my husband could not keep up with me and for his own sanity, he did not try.
BUT, was I happy? Or healthy? Not really. I was always rushing through life to accomplish goal after goal. I never had time to smell the roses, heck I did not even see the roses. In my world, there were only endless to-do lists and a huge pride in doing it all.
“Roswitha is passionate, ambitious, results-driven, caring, happy, a go-getter, honest, being there for you when you need her.“
The Spark That Ignited All
My life needed to change. I was gaining weight, my relationship was shaking, and before my last exam in my third year of university, I had my first panic attack. If you never had one, imagine losing complete control of your thoughts and not being able to calm down. If you had one, I am sure you can understand how a control freak like me was on the verge of desperation.
This experiences forced me to start therapy. I used to read self-development books and buy online courses a few years before this happened, but this time I was in need of way more emotional work and no book or online course would do it. Sometimes personalized help is the best help.
During my therapy sessions, I learned to be imperfect. I learned to accept not doing it all. I learned to relax and be happy with who I am, what I have without judgment. At the same time, I enrolled in a business school program where each seminar was lead by an entrepreneur and that helped me become more confident and serious about shifting to the entrepreneurial life myself.
During my last year of studies at the University, I stopped going to classes and invested all my time, money and energy in the only thing I knew how to do (besides crazy math and physics) – blogging. At the same time, in therapy, I realized that I have excellent skills in becoming a coach and teaching people. So I planned on making enough money to survive without getting a job, after graduating, while studying to become a certified coach.
As with any of my goals, this one came to life too, and I still managed to graduate as a valedictorian.
“Roswitha is passionate, ambitious, results-driven, caring, happy, a go-getter, honest, being there for you when you need her.“
The Spark That Ignited All
My life needed to change. I was gaining weight, my relationship was shaking, and before my last exam in my third year of university, I had my first panic attack. If you never had one, imagine losing complete control of your thoughts and not being able to calm down. If you had one, I am sure you can understand how a control freak like me was on the verge of desperation.
This experiences forced me to start therapy. I used to read self-development books and buy online courses a few years before this happened, but this time I was in need of way more emotional work and no book or online course would do it. Sometimes personalized help is the best help.
During my therapy sessions, I learned to be imperfect. I learned to accept not doing it all. I learned to relax and be happy with who I am, what I have without judgment. At the same time, I enrolled in a business school program where each seminar was lead by an entrepreneur and that helped me become more confident and serious about shifting to the entrepreneurial life myself.
During my last year of studies at the University, I stopped going to classes and invested all my time, money and energy in the only thing I knew how to do (besides crazy math and physics) – blogging. At the same time, in therapy, I realized that I have excellent skills in becoming a coach and teaching people. So I planned on making enough money to survive without getting a job, after graduating, while studying to become a certified coach.
As with any of my goals, this one came to life too, and I still managed to graduate as a valedictorian.
Health Success Coach
My successful coaching career would not have been possible without going to school and studying to be a coach. Yes, intuitively I had all the skills to be a good coach, but becoming a GREAT one needed proper teachers. I do owe the confidence and knowledge to The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NY – the largest integrative nutrition school in the world.
After working as a certified Health Coach for almost two years, I noticed that all my clients, besides getting fitter and healthier shared the same results:
- they made and saved more money
- they quit their jobs and found better ones
- some started their own business
- their relationships became more loving
- their confidence and self-esteem was off the roof
- they felt at peace, grateful and in love with life
- they knew how to focus and achieve more by doing less
My husband was the one who pointed it out to me, and after some thinking, and 14 months of writing my best selling book, I realized that although I am very good at telling people what to eat and how to heal their bodies, I was way better at teaching people how to become successful in every area of their lives.
This was the moment I decided to call myself a “Success Coach” and focused all my energy on teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to stay successful, no matter the economics, politics, or their place on the map.
Of course, my appetite for knowledge did not stop the moment I graduated from IIN. In fact, since then, I invested in other amazing online courses, like Bschool with Marie Forleo, Money Bootcamp with Denise Duffield-Thomas and I also worked with a few high-end coaches.
But the best and most important lessons cannot be bought. They come with life experience. I am young, but the Universe has put me through so many challenging situations that I had to grow fast and become the person who today stands successfully in front of you. My clients always say how wise beyond my years I am, and that is all thanks to the life lessons learned at such an early age.
“Roswitha is intelligent, smart, good-vibes person, optimistic, kind, professional, ambitious, the best coach ever. “
“Roswitha is intelligent, smart, good vibe person, optimistic, kind, professional, ambitious, best coach ever. “
Health Success Coach
My successful coaching career would not have been possible without going to school and studying to be a coach. Yes, intuitively I had all the skills to be a good coach, but becoming a GREAT one needed proper teachers. I do owe the confidence and knowledge to Institute of Integrative Nutrition, NY – the largest integrative nutrition school in the world.
After being a certified Health Coach for almost two years, I noticed that all my clients after we finished our 6-month program shared the same results, besides getting fitter and healthier than never before:
- they made more money and saved more money
- they quit their jobs and found better ones
- some started their own companies
- they had loving relationships
- their confidence and self-esteem was off the roof
- they felt at peace, grateful and in love with life
- they knew how to focus and achieve more by doing less
My husband was the one who pointed it out to me, and after some thinking, and 14 months of writing my best selling book, I realized that although I am very good at telling people what to eat and how to heal their bodies, I was way better at telling people how to become successful in every area of their lives.
This is when I decided to call myself a “Success Coach” and focused all my energy on teaching people what success is, how to be successful and how to maintain being successful no matter of economy, politics or place on the map.
Of course, all my knowledge that makes me the great coach I am today did not stop after graduating coaching school, in fact since then, I invested in other amazing online courses, like Bschool with Marie Forleo, Money Bootcamp with Denise Duffield-Thomas and worked with a few high-end coaches.
But the best and most important lessons cannot be bought. They come in life experience. I am young, but the Universe has put me through so many difficult situations that I had to grow fast and become the person who is able to stand here successfully today in front of you. My clients continually say how wise beyond my years I am, and that is all thanks to my own life lessons at an early age.
Manifesting Vault
All the tools, knowledge, and worksheets you’d ever need to get clear on your business goals and get yourself in a state of ALIGNMENT, from which magic happens.
With these resources, you’ll be able to manifest more revenue without hustling for clients each month. When you’re in alignment, your desires come to life almost magically.
Instead of buying your daily coffee tomorrow, save the money and invest in my book.
Everything that I teach is in this book.
Read it, do the exercises, come back and email me with your results.

Young, Creative and Overwhelmed
All of us are powerful, but we’re told we need to confine that power into a small box. We’re told to follow the rules, we’re told to do what others do and play it safe.
This book is here to shutter the boxes and let all the powerful women be, do and have what they deserve. Unapologetically.
If you want to know personal opinions from people all over the world that worked with me from day 1 since I started coaching, click here to go to my Youtube channel and see them all.
Roswitha is the most AUTHENTIC person that I know! She is very patient, and creative in so many ways. She challenges and pushes you far beyond your limits and out of your comfort zone, guiding you and supporting you at all time.
She helped me to really listen to my intuition, to trust myself and go with the flow. She is very good at finding all the answers and solutions that are already available for you but you can’t see them, due to all the limiting beliefs you put in the middle.
She is an EXCELLENT listener and has the ability to recognize the strengths and potential of people. She is very open-minded and she is always there when you need it.
I have grown a lot as a person in these months with Roswitha, my initial goals changed and now I know what I want in my life, I trust myself, I am calm, relaxed and excited for all the things that are coming to my life.
She changed my life for GOOD and I will always be GRATEFUL for her.
Roswitha is the most wonderful person in the whole wide world!
You once asked me to describe what does a “Successful Woman” means for me and she is strong, beautiful in and out, smart, with an incredible husband and a beautiful life…and this definition describes YOU. You have such an amazing life that you worked hard for and I respect you a lot for this!
I am very very happy that I have met you!!!