7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge by Roswitha Herman

7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge for Entrepreneurs

Learn The Exact Steps

to Manifesting $1,000 in Your Business in Just 7 Days

Join today for only $22/month.

This is a monthly MEMBERSHIP. You can cancel ANYTIME.

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Money Manifestation Challenge by Roswitha Herman
7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge by Roswitha Herman
Money Manifestation Challenge by Roswitha Herman

7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge for Entrepreneurs

Learn The Exact Steps

to Manifesting $1,000 in Your Business in Just 7 Days 

Join today for only $22/month.

This is a monthly MEMBERSHIP. You can cancel ANYTIME.

What My Students Say

Money Manifestation Challenge Results
7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge Results 2
7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge Results 3

Want a proven process that has helped 100+ women manifest $400,000+ in just 7 days?

Are you an entrepreneur who needs an extra $1,000 this month?

Are you a new founder, coach or consultant ready to do the work for 7 days, and in return to manifest $1,000 in new clients, new opportunities, and new offers that will blow your socks off?

Are you a shy freelancer that needs a container where she can be supported to take inspired action, put herself out there and make $1,000 extra this month?

Are you ready for a new way of making money, a way in which you won't learn a new marketing strategy, but you will learn to ground yourself and trust yourself to show up and make it happen?

Join Roswitha Herman, Manifesting Business Coach & Best Seller Author, for her 7-Day Money Manifestation Challenge.

In this step-by-step video course program, Roswitha will teach you a very simple manifesting process she has used to help 100+ women-led businesses manifest over $400,000 in just 5 days.

Claim your spot and join the 7 Day Manifestation Challenge now.

Join the 7 Day Manifestation Challenge today for only $22!

This is a monthly MEMBERSHIP. You can cancel ANYTIME.

What My Students Say

Money Manifestation Challenge Results 4
7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge Results 5

When I first tried to scale my business, I applied every possible marketing strategy only to FAIL miserably...

The whole experience made me realize that marketing isn’t everything.

There’s another component that is way more important than marketing: your MIND

I am sure you can relate.

You've probably tried: 

  • creating a course
  • building your Instagram account
  • Pinterest
  • being active in all those Facebook groups
  • podcasting
  • guest posting
  • Facebook ads
  • growing your email list
  • content upgrades and quizzes
  • and so many other marketing strategies

Yet somehow the results you’re getting are nowhere near what was promised. 

You’re sick and tired of showing up perfectly, putting in the work only to get disappointed again and again, all while other ladies get 3x - 5x your results. 

There must be something wrong with you, right? WRONG.

You’re even tired of getting leads, visitors or email subscribers. You want revenue.

You want CASH. You want MONEY in your bank account.

Not opportunities. Not leads. Not followers. Not potential partnerships. These can't pay your bills, can they?!

Well, you’re in the right place.

My name is ROSWITHA HERMAN and I’ve spent the last seven years of my life trying to figure out the best techniques that anyone can apply to MANIFEST, almost magically, more revenue by simply working on their mindset + nervous system. 

And I’ve put my best resources into this 7-Day Money Manifestation Challenge.

You can manifest money faster and easier through the power of your mind, without burnout, without working 5x more, and even without complicated marketing strategies. 

This Money Manifestation Challenge Will Teach You

There is no secret and the steps are very simple.

The difference is the accountability, the overall vibration of the community, and the shift in consciousness.

There are certain patterns that block manifestations, and every day we will work on a specific one.

The power is always in YOU.

I am simply here to guide and hold the space so you can hear your inner guidance and trust yourself to take the inspired action and to hold the vision even when you lose your faith.



Everyone wants to make more money in their business. EVERYONE. But most of the time, their WHY is not in alignment with their desires. People get so caught up in what they *should* want which creates a dissonance between their desire and their alignment.



Here is where the magic happens. Your HOW or the lack of it points us to where you hold resistance. If you constantly look up to something or someone to tell you what to do or how to do it... you're not seeing who you really are.

You already have the answers, you just need to build self-trust and be okay with taking full responsibility.



This is my favorite day because I will teach you to do the exact OPPOSITE of what is taught in school, in our cultures, and by marketing experts. Instead of hustling your way to make $1,000...you will learn to have fun.

Here is where you might get triggered, here is where lots of limiting beliefs will surface...and that's going to be beautiful to witness and release.

That's what makes this 7 day money manifestation challenge so special.



Since we are close to the end of the money manifestation challenge, this will be a highly emotionally charged day. Some of you will feel extraordinary while others will feel the freeze, fawn, flight, or fight response.

You will be guided to do an exercise that helps regulate your nervous system so you don't lose faith.



Today we celebrate the $1,000 being manifested and if the money is not here yet, I will share some simple action steps you can take at this last minute, to allow the money to come in. Because they always do.

You also get these BONUSES

On top of having weekly access to the Money Manifestation Challenge course, you also receive:


This is a mind-blowing in-depth training explaining how manifesting works and why you manifest easily or hard...plus what to do to change that.

Learn the Manifesting Formula and the Manifesting Process that all my clients use.

You have unlimited access to this training and you can watch it as many times as needed.

LIVE NEW COURSE each month
($333 worth)

Each month, Roswitha will come live to teach you about an aspect of the Manifesting Queen framework: mindset, trauma, energy, and strategy.

The replay will be active for 7 days only, after that it will be deleted and moved inside Roswitha's Mastermind Group.

Win each month a $555 coaching session

The most active member of our community, the person who does the journaling, shares the homework, brings in other women and is overall supportive to others...gets to be coached by Roswitha free of charge for 30 min.

In this session we can work on mindset, trauma releasing, energy work or strategy and marketing questions.

Who's Behind This Manifestation Challenge?

Roswitha Herman is a Certified Business Manifesting Coach and Best-Selling Author of the book "Young, Creative and Overwhelmed".

After her anxiety attacks in 2013 due to perfectionism, she started looking for answers and she gave up her straight-A scholarship in engineering to become a coach and later on found her passion for supporting women entrepreneurs to thrive.

She's been a coach for 9 years and helped women manifest all their biggest dreams with ease and joy. From manifesting husbands to paying off $30,000 of debt in a matter of months, to going from $8,000/month in sales to $20,000 /month, to healing chronic diseases...You name it, she's helped someone manifest that. She has worked with hundreds of women across 4 continents.

She is the kindest, most honest, and supportive human you could meet and she will always have your back, no matter what. She will cry with you, laugh with you and she will get silly with you.

All at the same time, as you navigate the hardest moments or you celebrate the biggest wins.

She deeply believes that more thriving women-run businesses equal a better world and that women can HAVE IT ALL, but there is "a secret" regarding the HOW.

Working nonstop will not solve the problem. You need to work smarter, understand how your emotions and thoughts dictate your actions, and learn how to master your mindset in order to become unstoppable.

Plus, cultivating downtime and learning how to practice spirituality is what makes a huge difference.

Now her focus is on helping women entrepreneurs 3x their current revenue in 12 weeks or less and then getting them to $20-50,000/month while increasing their energy and healing any gut inflammation and brain fog.

Who's Behind This Money Manifestation Challenge?

Roswitha Herman is a Certified Business Manifesting Coach and Best-Selling Author of the book "Young, Creative and Overwhelmed".

After her anxiety attacks in 2013 due to perfectionism, she started looking for answers and she gave up her straight-A scholarship in engineering to become a coach and later on found her passion for supporting women entrepreneurs to thrive.

She's been a coach for 9 years and helped women manifest all their biggest dreams with ease and joy. From manifesting husbands to paying off $30,000 of debt in a matter of months, to going from $8,000/month in sales to $20,000 /month, to healing chronic diseases.

You name it, she's helped someone manifest that. She has worked with hundreds of women across 4 continents.

She is the kindest, most honest, and supportive human you could meet and she will always have your back, no matter what. She will cry with you, laugh with you and she will get silly with you.

All at the same time, as you navigate the hardest moments or you celebrate the biggest wins.

She deeply believes that more thriving women-run businesses equal a better world and that women can HAVE IT ALL, but there is "a secret" regarding the HOW.

Working nonstop will not solve the problem. You need to work smarter, understand how your emotions and thoughts dictate your actions, and learn how to master your mindset in order to become unstoppable.

Plus, cultivating downtime and learning how to practice spirituality is what makes a huge difference.

Now her focus is on helping women entrepreneurs 3x their current revenue in 12 weeks or less and then getting them to $20-50,000/month while increasing their energy and healing any gut inflammation and brain fog.


How does this challenge work?

There are 7 days in which you have 8 videos to watch and homework to implement.

All videos are recordings from the Money Manifestation Challenge, which took place LIVE in May 2020. 

You’ll be given access to the course as soon as you enroll in the Manifestation Challenge.

What is the recommended daily schedule for the challenge?

This challenge was designed to be completed within 7 days. We recommend that you follow this timeline to make the most out of your momentum. 

How much time will it take each day?

To watch the videos and do the homework each day, you should set aside about 60 minutes max. Expect to spend at least 4 hours in Day #3, Day #4 and Day #5 to work on your inspired actions that will lead to $1,000 being manifested.

Does this 7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge work for all markets and industries?

Yes! The 7 Day Money Manifestation Challenge that I’ll be teaching can be used for any product or service in the B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) industries. The same framework has been used for brands in personal growth, spirituality, wellness, lifestyle, coaching, software, devices, online education, and more.

How long do I have access to the materials found in the Manifestation Challenge?

You have access for as long as you are an active member of this membership. You can redo the challenge each week and take notes to see how you can do it better.

But you have access to the Facebook group for ONE MONTH, here you can do the journaling prompts, join the live events and promote your business.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes! If you watch all the videos and post each day your homework in the Facebook Group, and you do NOT manifest $1,000 by the 8th day, you can email us at hello@roswithaherman.com and ask for a full refund. The refund window is only active 10 days after you bought the subscription.

Roswitha is 100% convinced that everyone who does the work will manifest $1,000.

Is the Manifestation Challenge live?

NO, this challenge is not live. The high-quality video training program is recorded and you can do at your own pace, however I highly recommend you go through the whole course in just 7 days to have the best results.

What happens if I can’t complete the manifestation challenge in 7 days?

In order for this to work and for you to manifest $1,000 in 7 days, you need to commit to doing this work live for the 7 days in which the challenge runs. But since you have access to it all the time, you can pick and choose how long it takes to finish the challenge.

We will not refund you if, for any reason, you can't complete the challenge. We only refund those that do the work and don't manifest the $1,000. (which never happens)

What payment methods do you accept?

For your security, we accept all the major Credit Cards.

Join today for only $22!

This is a monthly MEMBERSHIP. You can cancel ANYTIME.