How to Fake Happiness & Why That’s a Good Thing
Do you know how to fake happiness? Do you think it’s a good idea? Do you want to do it?
Most people just hate the word “fake”. What about you? Doesn’t it trigger you? It’s like this whole “fake concept” has such a negative vibe around it and we want to stay the hell away from it. God forbid anyone telling us we are fake or we did something in a fake kind of way…
You won’t believe this but today I am here to talk about why being fake can be a great thing, for you, everyone around you, your finances, your goals, your happiness and even your health.
Why it’s a good thing to fake happiness
Not so long ago, I heard a message from Abraham Hicks (definitely get Esther and Jerry Hicks books) that said to focus on what you want your reality to be, instead of focusing on what is. As easy as it seemed, I did not really understand it, until later. I was sitting at my desk, feeling really bad. I was worried about some payments, I had no solution in sight and all I wanted was to talk to my best friend and tell her how I felt. I called her, we talked and as I told her about all my worries a light bulb went on in my head.
“This is what it means!”
You see, I was experiencing the emotions of what was in my life that day and on top of it, I was talking about them over and over again. (cause after my chat with my friend, I talked about them with my husband and still felt the need to talk to other people about the situation)
In that moment I asked myself:
“Is this helpful?” “Can this energy, these emotions get me what I want?”
And because I have all the coaching experience, I knew the answer was NO. Definitely not. So I asked myself:
“How can I act in moments like this to attract what I want?”
Do you find yourself in negative situations, where you worry, you are scared, you feel bad, you are sick and you just want to talk about it and figure it out? Learn how to fake happiness!
Although it seems like the normal thing to do is talk about it and ask for feedback and validation, I propose a different approach. This REALLY WORKS and you can ask all my private coaching clients, cause they all use it and in a matter of days they manifest it in their lives.
So, do you want to learn how to fake happiness as all my private clients do, but without paying thousands of dollars?
Don’t stay in a negative state for too long. Everything that you experience today, was already created in your past. If you linger too much in this state today, you are creating more of it in the future. If you don’t want that, don’t do it. Acknowledge what is – what has happened, how you feel. Talk to one person about it, if you feel like talking to someone. And then find a distraction.
When a kid falls down and gets hurt, she/he immediately starts to cry. But, because the parents don’t want their daughter/son to stay in that situation they distract her/him with “wow, look at that pony. Do you want to go and play with the pony?”
In a matter of seconds, the kid forgets all about the pain and focuses her/his attention on the new fun thing to do. It’s called distraction.
What are the things that could distract you and help you learn how to fake happiness?
- Watch a comedy or something positive to raise your vibration and make you laugh. You cannot be scared and be laughing at the same time.
- Go for a run – it helps A LOT with overwhelm and negative emotions. Proven.
- Put on some loud music that you love and do some chores around the house. For me personally, the chores example helps me the best. What is your thing?
How Paying Off Your Debt Is The Best ROI
Now, I’d love to know.
Do you know now how to fake happiness? Would you? Which part would you implement?
Leave a comment below and let me know.
Remember, share as much as you can in your reply. We are all here to learn, get inspired from one another, and you may never know who you are going to influence today. Be the sparkle you want to see in others.
Thank you so much for reading, watching and sharing your voice. You are awesome and I am honored to have you here.
With love,
How to Fake Happiness & Why That’s a Good Thing

Do you know how to fake happiness? Do you think it’s a good idea? Do you want to do it?
Most people just hate the word “fake”. What about you? Doesn’t it trigger you? It’s like this whole “fake concept” has such a negative vibe around it and we want to stay the hell away from it. God forbid anyone telling us we are fake or we did something in a fake kind of way…
You won’t believe this but today I am here to talk about why being fake can be a great thing, for you, everyone around you, your finances, your goals, your happiness and even your health.
Why it’s a good thing to fake happiness
Not so long ago, I heard a message from Abraham Hicks (definitely get Esther and Jerry Hicks books) that said to focus on what you want your reality to be, instead of focusing on what is. As easy as it seemed, I did not really understand it, until later. I was sitting at my desk, feeling really bad. I was worried about some payments, I had no solution in sight and all I wanted was to talk to my best friend and tell her how I felt. I called her, we talked and as I told her about all my worries a light bulb went on in my head.
“This is what it means!”
You see, I was experiencing the emotions of what was in my life that day and on top of it, I was talking about them over and over again. (cause after my chat with my friend, I talked about them with my husband and still felt the need to talk to other people about the situation)
In that moment I asked myself:
“Is this helpful?” “Can this energy, these emotions get me what I want?”
And because I have all the coaching experience, I knew the answer was NO. Definitely not. So I asked myself:
“How can I act in moments like this to attract what I want?”
Do you find yourself in negative situations, where you worry, you are scared, you feel bad, you are sick and you just want to talk about it and figure it out? Learn how to fake happiness!
Although it seems like the normal thing to do is talk about it and ask for feedback and validation, I propose a different approach. This REALLY WORKS and you can ask all my private coaching clients, cause they all use it and in a matter of days they manifest it in their lives.
So, do you want to learn how to fake happiness as all my private clients do, but without paying thousands of dollars?
Don’t stay in a negative state for too long. Everything that you experience today, was already created in your past. If you linger too much in this state today, you are creating more of it in the future. If you don’t want that, don’t do it. Acknowledge what is – what has happened, how you feel. Talk to one person about it, if you feel like talking to someone. And then find a distraction.
When a kid falls down and gets hurt, she/he immediately starts to cry. But, because the parents don’t want their daughter/son to stay in that situation they distract her/him with “wow, look at that pony. Do you want to go and play with the pony?”
In a matter of seconds, the kid forgets all about the pain and focuses her/his attention on the new fun thing to do. It’s called distraction.
What are the things that could distract you and help you learn how to fake happiness?
- Watch a comedy or something positive to raise your vibration and make you laugh. You cannot be scared and be laughing at the same time.
- Go for a run – it helps A LOT with overwhelm and negative emotions. Proven.
- Put on some loud music that you love and do some chores around the house. For me personally, the chores example helps me the best. What is your thing?
How Paying Off Your Debt Is The Best ROI
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Now, I’d love to know.
Do you know now how to fake happiness? Would you? Which part would you implement?
Leave a comment below and let me know.
Remember, share as much as you can in your reply. We are all here to learn, get inspired from one another, and you may never know who you are going to influence today. Be the sparkle you want to see in others.
Thank you so much for reading, watching and sharing your voice. You are awesome and I am honored to have you here.
With love,
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