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Guided Financial Abundance Meditation by Roswitha Herman

Guided Financial Abundance Meditation for Women Entrepreneurs Who Are Done with Hustling

  • 12-min long meditation to help you manifest financial abundance & clients easier than ever before
  • This meditation is carefully infused with powerful frequencies to feel more abundance & peace (worth $47)
  • This is not your average financial abundance meditation from Youtube that won't get you any results!
  • You also get a BONUS: my Manifesting Planner (worth $15)

$47 $11.11



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Oooookay, when I do something I do it full-heartedly, so I listened to this financial abundance meditation daily for like 18 days. Since then, I’ve seen a noticeable increase in sign-ups for my freebies and inquiries about my 1:1 programs. Not to freak anyone out, but it does feel like magic sometimes. Now I really get what it means to be ‘magnetic’. I am that girl now who attracts clients who are a perfect fit for what she has to offer.

— Samantha, Social Media Expert

I am going to say something CONTROVERSIAL, so stay with me...

Guided Financial Abundance Meditation by Roswitha Herman

Meditation is Better Than Marketing!

Ever wonder why, despite your best marketing efforts, clients and sales don’t seem to find you?!

It might be your internal alignment that’s off, not your funnel, website copy or your latest Instagram Reel.

Meditation is not just about finding your zen or feeling superior to others lol. It’s a powerful practice that can amplify your business growth more profoundly than any latest marketing strategy.

Why? Because it aligns your deepest money goals with your emotional state. Through this, you’re guaranteed to not just mindlessly execute strategies but to be ENERGETICALLY ALIGNED with them. 

Stress and money blocks can cloud our mindset, making us unconsciously sabotage even the best-laid marketing plans. Why else do you think that two people can apply the same strategies and have totally different results?! Their money blocks, fears and sabotages. 

Think about it. How many times did you enroll in an online marketingcourse, did everything perfectly and didn’t get close to the same results as others (who didn’t even apply everything so rigurously)?

By clearing these blocks through meditation (and other more advanced practices in my private coaching programs), we become aware of them before they can sabotage us. 

Meditation helps us tap into a state of coherence where our heart, mind, and emotions resonate in sync. This alignment dramatically boosts our intuition which is a key ingredient for business growth in the 21st century. 

Meditation ensures that our actions are deeply aligned with our biggest (or even hidden) business goals.

This deep internal alignment often proves more valuable than any external marketing effort, pushing us towards more sales, more clients and more money than ever before. 

Grab your copy today!

$47 $11.11


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You wouldn't be here if all those free financial abundance meditations from Youtube would actually give you RESULTS

This meditation is different because you will actually LISTEN TO IT and get benefits: clients, sales, money, peace.

In fact, the only reason this meditation isn't free, is for YOU. It's scientifically proven that when we pay for something, we're more invested in using the product and getting the benefits out of it.

You can thank me later (by joining other manifesting money courses I offer lol)

Get this awesome meditation for just $11.11

3 Ways Fempreneurs can Benefit From Meditation. Back by Science.

As I previously said, this isn't your average financial abundance meditation. This is superior. Now let me list some benefits of meditation that I just copied from Google in case you've lived under a rock and never heard about its benefits.


Reduces money related stress and anxiety

According to a study published in the journal "Psychosomatic Medicine", meditation helps reduce stress by decreasing your stress hormone: cortisol. This, in turn, help you approach business & money decisions with more calm which leads to better decisions which usually translates into more clients.


Enhances your business creativity

A recent paper in "Frontiers in Psychology" suggests that meditation can promote divergent thinking, a style of thinking that allows your brain to generate NEW ideas. This can definitely help with creating better content, showing up differently for your clients and ultimately experiencea fuller bank account.


Increases your emotional resilience

And we all know that's KEY when it comes to business, dealing with rejection, decision making, being consistent etc. A research in the "Journal of Cognitive Psychoterapy" indicates that meditation inhances our ability to regulate our emotions. More safety in your nervous system = more alignment with your money goals = faster and easier results. This financial abundance meditation delivers exactly that.

More love from past clients

"I am kind of a freak with routines. So after buying the financial abundance meditation and adding it to my daily to-do list, I’ve started noticing a significant shift in my mindset. Then, just like magic, the next month, I landed two major clients who were exactly in my niche, all thanks to the increased alignment from the meditation."

- Maria, Freelance Graphic Designer

“Besides helping me make more sales to my online course, this meditation also improved my creativity. I feel more aligned with my goals and less anxious about my bills. This has made a huge difference in the quality of my work, client interactions and how I show up on the gram.”

- Jen, Health Coach


Honey, it's your time to shine & have a full bank account!

Hit the buy button, listen to this daily for 30 days and watch your business get flooded with ideal clients.

Buy now for $11.11

You're covered by my 7 days money back guarantee!

Roswitha Herman Manifesting Money Coach with logos


Roswitha Herman is your go-to expert for transforming your relationship with MONEY.

Since 2023, I have been developing my own Releasing Money Blocks method, which combines parts of all other techniques I am certified in (EFT/TFT, Ho'oponopono, Eden method, Theta healing, Sedona method, Heart wall method, to name a few).

This is what I do with my private clients when we release blocks on DNA, soul level, past lives level, subconscious mind, cells + organs in the body, nervous system, and mindset level.

My BIG GOAL NOW, is to
guide 100 women entrepreneurs create a 6-fig business, even if they are just making $2,000/mo from their passion business.

FAQs About Roswitha's Financial Abundance Meditation

How often should I meditate for financial abundance?

Ideally, daily but I get that we all have lots of other things on our to-do list. My suggestion is to find what works for you and stick to it. If it's twice per week or five times per week. It doesn't matter as long as you stick to this practice. Of course, if you do it more often, you'll get better results.

Can meditation really improve my financial situation?

Yes, meditation is a very powerful tool to shift your abundance mindset and manifest sales, clients and cash into your life. It should, however, not to be approached from an energy of "this has to save me". This is a tool to be used regularly along other practices to shift one's mindset: journaling, having a support system, reading, hypnosis, therapy, private coaching, masterminds etc.

How long does it take to see results from this financial abundance meditation?

It depends on the level of your mindset, your money trauma as well as the regulation in your nervous system. Some people see results within five days while others need to do this daily for 50 days to start seeing new opportunities and money show up in their reality.

Can this meditation change my mindset about money?

Yes and No. Yes, meditation can transform your mindset about money and abundance but it also depends on many other variables. While I've seen results from meditation and people having their mindset shift about money, you can't expect this to be enough if you've struggled with finances your whole life or if you have deeply rooted money trauma.

Meditation is powerful and it's a starting point. To completely change your mindset about money, you'll have to take some courses, work with a private coach (email me if interested), journal every day, read a few tens of books and be consistent in this work.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes. We offer a money back guarantee in the first 7 days since your purchase. Please reach out to to get a refund.


Honey, it's your time to shine & have a full bank account!

Hit the buy button, listen to this daily for 30 days and watch your business get flooded with ideal clients.

You're covered by my 7 days money back guarantee!