Money Queens Community

The Last Community You'll Ever Need to Heal Your Relationship with Money (for good)

Get access to monthly group calls, a cozy Whatsapp community with fellow women entrepreneurs, private 1:1 calls and many other bonuses.

(total package worth $2,196)

It's time to fill your calendar with clients and achieve $10k months by removing your money blocks.

exclusive to coaches and OSPs

   Become a Member Today ↗  

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Money Queens Community

The Last Community You'll Ever Need to Heal Your Relationship with Money (for good)

Get access to monthly group calls, a cozy Whatsapp community with fellow coaches & OSPs, private 1:1 calls and many other bonuses.

(total package worth $2,196)

Fill Your Calendar With Clients and Achieve $10k Months by Removing Your Money Blocks.

*exclusive to coaches and OSPs*

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Unleash Your Inner Money Queen and Say Goodbye to Limiting Beliefs.

This community is designed with ONE goal in mind: helping you release and remove any limiting beliefs that are keeping you from making $10k months. It's really that simple. We join together via monthly group calls and clear any money blocks that show up so you can make a living from your service-based or coaching business.

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Each month we'll get together in a video group call where you'll be guided to remove a specific money block on a somatic + energetic level.

Exclusive Whatsapp Community

You get access to this awesome community where you can ask questions, chat with fellow women entrepreneurs and make friends for life.

Private Calls With Roswitha

Private access to a coach can really skyrocket your results and get more personalized guidance on releasing those limiting money beliefs. If you want to reach $10k months faster, the VIP plan is for you.

Why are Your Money Beliefs Crucial to "Making it" in Business?

We all know what money blocks are, but just in case you're a hatchling in this fascinating world of mindset, somatic and energy work, here's a short definition.

In essence, money blocks are subconscious beliefs that can seriously affect your business growth and overall relationship with money. Often formed in childhood, these beliefs are so deeply embedded in your mind, that they influence how you view and handle your clients and opportunities to grow.

The hardest part is that this usually happens without you consciously realizing it, hence making it very challenging to shift these beliefs.

Ever feel like you’re doing all the right things in your business but just not seeing the success you crave?

You know, the consistent clients, the neverending DMs from people wanting to work with you, the $10k months etc.

Did you ever try marketing strategy after marketing strategy, yet something invisible seems to hold you back? It’s baffling, isn’t it? Makes you think “what the hell is wrong with me.”

You bought a new course, you’re applying everything perfectly yet, for you, results don’t seem to appear. It can almost feel like a curse. 

More often than not, it’s not just about the strategies you choose but the internal dialogues you’re not even fully aware of. Your deep-seated beliefs shape your reactions in subtle ways and, if they’re toxic, sabotage your most important goals.

Money blocks can be sneaky, whispering things like “Don’t charge more, you’ll lose clients,” or “Who are you to have a 7 figure business?”

Sound familiar? You tell yourself this kind of BS enough times, you stop noticing how toxic and FALSE they are. 

These aren’t just annoying background noise making you unable to relax while binging on Netflix. They actually shape all your business decisions, investments and strategies, and can seriously cap your growth.

It’s like trying to run a marathon with a backpack full of rocks—exhausting and totally unnecessary! Why would you do that to yourself?!

Clearing these money blocks is essential because it’s about aligning your mindset with the goals you’re working so hard to achieve. 

This is how money blocks sabotage your growth and money goals

Consider this: if your underlying belief equates more money with more problems, you’re going to have a hard time staying consistent with certain marketing or high ticket sales strategies that can scale your business.

These sabotages won’t show up in obvious ways, they usually show up as manifesting health issues, relationship problems, suits or anything else that can be a “valid excuse” to not focus on your business growth. 

These aren’t just simple fears.

They’re complex outdated programs that run in the background of your mind, manipulating your decisions so you can stay safe, in the comfort of what’s familiar and usually, small.

No shame here. We all have money blocks. We all keep ourselves small in many different ways.

I am simply making you aware of how these blocks work in the background to keep you stuck.  

This is where working with the nervous system comes into play, which offers us a much deeper level of transformation than mindset work.

When you combine that with energetic work, you get real transformations and it's what we'll do during our monthly group calls.

What happens when you clear your money blocks?

Something phenomenal happens when you start dismantling these old beliefs.

  • Out of a sudden, you’ll attract clients who value your worth and are happy to pay your premium prices.
  • You start seeing success in other areas of your business like seeing more reach on social media, getting more replies to your newsletters and even getting opportunities to be featured in the media or big podcasts. 
  • You show up differently for your clients, with more confidence and sassyness.
  • When you know your worth, it shows up in every piece of content, DM, email or pitch you make, hence increasing your chances for getting that"YES".
  • When you're not constantly worried about paying your bills and your team, you can think clearly and make better decisions.
  • But, most importantly, when you clear your money blocks you FEEL GOOD. Good about yourself, good about your business, good about the world and that’s worth it all.

Imagine This Being Your New Normal

This is What's Possible When You Remove Your Money Blocks

It may be cliché, but when things shift INSIDE of you, your OUTSIDE reality changes dramatically. These are some of the things you can expect to become your new normal as you join the group calls, do the journaling and release those stubborn money blocks for good.

  • Picture waking up to notifications of new followers and overflowing DMs with messages like, “I need this! How can I work with you?” Your ideal clients are eager and ready to sign up.
  • Every course, program, or product you launch meets a crowd of ready buyers. Every launch feels like a celebration, not a stress test.
  • Visualize celebrating massive revenue milestones monthly, not yearly. Your business isn’t just growing; it’s thriving at a pace you once thought was for others, not you.
  • Think of systems working smoothly in the background, where your business earns even when you’re not actively working. Passive income streams are fully set up, allowing you peace and freedom.
  • Your clients aren’t just satisfied; they’re thrilled. They keep coming back because they can’t get enough of what you offer.
  • You attract clients who see your value and happily pay top dollar for your services because they know you’re worth every penny.
  • Every pitch you throw lands perfectly, and “Sign me up!” is what you hear back. It’s like you’ve cracked the code to what makes them tick. (hint: there’s no code, your money blocks kept them at bay)
  • Say goodbye to unpredictable income spikes and hello to steady cash flow. Consistent clients and cash are now part of your daily routine.
  • How cool does it feel to say, “Let me put you on my waitlist”? That’s right, your services are in hot demand!

Examples of Money Blocks We'll Remove

To help you better understand what we'll work on in the group, here are some money blocks examples that we'll release during group calls.

Money Block #1

"If I raise my prices, all my clients will leave."

money mindset community

Money Block #2

"Growing my audience will lead to more stress, anxiety and criticism."

Money Block #3

"There's a limited number of clients in the world and I'll never have enough."

Money Block #4

"Making more money equals more stress, anxiety and responsibilities."

Money Block #5

"I can't be more successful than my family or friends."

Money Block #6

"I have to sacrifice my health in order to make the money that I crave."

Become a Founding Member Today.

Don't miss out - the countdown is on! Reserve your spot now before time runs out.

Join now ↗

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Time Left Until the First Group Coaching Call:


I Am no Millionaire (yet), Nor do I Pretend to Take You to Seven Figures, BUT...

I can safely take you to $10k months.

I can take you to being fully booked.

I can take you to having fun in your business every day.

I can take you to attracting high-ticket clients.

I can definitely take you to the forbidden land of "raising your prices" and still filling your calendar with clients.

I know the path to changing your inside world that can have all your marketing efforts get 10x results. Why? Because your money beliefs are now aligned with those strategies.

I've been around (circa 2010 first biz). I know some tricks.

I've tried and tested pretty much every possible mindset, energy, somatic practice/exercise out there.

Yet nothing delivered results like my signature method of shifting your money beliefs.

Nothing came even close.

What results, you ask?!

Back in 2022 I lost everything.

My husband was dying next to me due to some unknown (at the time) health issues.

My business was going to the ground because of all the chaos in my personal life and we even became homeless for a while.

Not a fun ride.

Yet, in 2023, after applying my method on myself for several months, I managed to generate TWICE as much money than I generated in 2021 + 2022 combined.

The best part? It happened within the first four months of the year.

And I was still physically sick.

My husband was not better and I've only worked for like 10-15-ish hours every week.

I am telling you: this sh*t works.

I've seen it work with over 100 women during private calls in 2023.

They started manifesting like crazy. Each and every one of them.

Some manifested new private clients. Others manifested sales for their online course or low-ticket offers.

Some even manifested their debt being paid off or winning the lottery.

(no, not the big prize, but still!)

Anyways, the big idea is that I am probably your next logical step.

If you're making at least $1,000/month, this membership is most probably your next logical step and it might really take you to those $10k months.

Even if your dream is to reach 8 figures, this membership is your next step.

When you outgrow us, you can start looking for a different membership or mastermind. I'll cheer for you to grow so fast and get such amazing results that you have to say goodbye to us.

But until then, go pick a package and come say "hey girl" in the Whatsapp community.

What's Included in Your Membership

This is everything you're going to get when you join us inside Money Queens Community.

Join now ↗

#1. One Monthly Group Call to Release Money Blocks

These calls are the CORE of this community. Each month we'll get together in a video group call where you'll be guided to remove a specific money block on a somatic + energetic level.

worth $333

#2. Access to the Whatsapp Community

Raise your hand if you love Whatsapp! You get access to this awesome community where you can ask questions, chat with fellow women entrepreneurs and make friends for life.

worth $111

#3. A Safe Space for All Your Money Fears

This is literally priceless. There are many communities out there (they pop up like mushrooms), but only a few truly understand what it means to create a SAFE SPACE where people can experience true healing. You'll find that in Money Queens Community.

worth priceless

#4. VIP Plan Only: Monthly 1:1 Session with Roswitha (me)

Private access to a coach can really skyrocket your results and get more personalized guidance on releasing those limiting money beliefs. If you want to reach $10k months faster, the VIP plan is for you.

worth $777

#5. VIP Plan Only: Private Chat with Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week

This is a fun little add-on to the VIP plan. Besides the private monthly call to remove money blocks, you also get to chat with me for one day per week. I'll be there to hold the space, offer guidance and ask very powerful questions so you can unblock yourself in an instant.

worth $111

#6. Weekly Journaling Prompts to Keep Those Blocks at Bay

I said it before and I'll say it again: I cannot live without journaling. So, it's common sense to integrate this into our wonderful community. Each week you'll be given a journaling prompts to ponder on (all happening in a dedicated group) and share your thoughts or ask questions.

worth $87

#7. Bonus 1: 3 Premium Tapping Videos

EFT Tapping is another powerful tool that I've been using for more than 10 years. You'll get access to 3 videos to help you work on these fears: fear of not having enough clients, fear of making mistakes and fear of not being perfect.

worth $77

#8. Bonus 2: Meditation for Financial Abundance

A 12-min long meditation to help you manifest financial abundance & clients easier than ever before.

worth $27

#9. Bonus 3: eBook 4 Step Cheatsheet to Manifest Your Money Goal

It's only 6 pages long (hey, it's a cheatsheet) but it's packed with ACTIONABLE value and steps you can take right now to manifest your money goal(s). It's a formula that you can use over and over and over again (even outside of business goals).

worth $27

#10. Bonus 4: Roswitha's Manifesting Planner

One of the prettiest products I have ever created. It's packed with actionable steps. You'll have a blast using it.

worth $17

#11. Bonus 5: 2 Coloring Books Infused with Money Affirmations + Journaling Prompts

If you're anything like me, you're going to love these coloring books. You'll get over 30 pages of mandalas + affirmations + journaling prompts (yeah, I am all about journaling 🤣🙈)

worth $27

#12. Bonus 6: 10-Day Journaling Challenge to Manifest Your Biggest Business Goal

And once again, what kind of bonus do we have here? Lol. Out of all the journaling products, this may be the most powerful one. It will stretch your mind to think differently. You can print them or use them online - your choice.

worth $37

#13. FOUNDING MEMBER ONLY BONUS: The Online Course "Quick Revenue, Queen"

An amazing online course that, until now, has only been available for my signature course "Manifesting Queen". It's perfectly designed for when you need a quick infusion of cash into your business.

worth $565

Total worth = $2,196*

You can sign up for as little as $67/month

Join Money Queens Today ↗

*when you invest in the VIP package. Tier 1 worth = $1,308.

What's Included in Your Membership

This is everything you're going to get when you join us inside Money Queens Community.

#1. One Monthly Group Call to Release Money Blocks

These calls are the CORE of this community. Each month we'll get together in a video group call where you'll be guided to remove a specific money block on a somatic + energetic level.

worth $333

#2. Access to the Whatsapp Community

Raise your hand if you love Whatsapp! You get access to this awesome community where you can ask questions, chat with fellow women entrepreneurs and make friends for life.

worth $111

#3. A Safe Space for All Your Money Fears

This is literally priceless. There are many communities out there (they pop up like mushrooms), but only a few truly understand what it means to create a SAFE SPACE where people can experience true healing. You'll find that in Money Queens Community.

worth priceless

#4. VIP Plan Only: Monthly 1:1 Session with Roswitha (me)

Private access to a coach can really skyrocket your results and get more personalized guidance on releasing those limiting money beliefs. If you want to reach $10k months faster, the VIP plan is for you.

worth $777

#5. VIP Plan Only: Private Chat to Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week

This is a fun little add-on to the VIP plan. Besides the private monthly call to remove money blocks, you also get to chat with me for one day per week. I'll be there to hold the space, offer guidance and ask very powerful questions so you can unblock yourself in an instant.

worth $111

#6. Weekly Journaling Prompts to Keep Those Blocks at Bay

I said it before and I'll say it again: I cannot live without journaling. So, it's common sense to integrate this into our wonderful community. Each week you'll be given a journaling prompts to ponder on (all happening in a dedicated group) and share your thoughts or ask questions.

worth $87

#7. Bonus 1: 3 Premium Tapping Videos

EFT Tapping is another powerful tool that I've been using for more than 10 years. You'll get access to 3 videos to help you work on these fears: fear of not having enough clients, fear of making mistakes and fear of not being perfect.

worth $77

#8. Bonus 2: Meditation for Financial Abundance

A 12-min long meditation to help you manifest financial abundance & clients easier than ever before.

worth $27

#9. Bonus 3: eBook 4 Step Cheatsheet to Manifest Your Money Goal

It's only 6 pages long (hey, it's a cheatsheet) but it's packed with ACTIONABLE value and steps you can take right now to manifest your money goal(s). It's a formula that you can use over and over and over again (even outside of business goals).

worth $27

#10. Bonus 4: Roswitha's Manifesting Planner

One of the prettiest products I have ever created. It's packed with actionable steps. You'll have a blast using it.

worth $17

#11. Bonus 5: 2 Coloring Books Infused with Money Affirmations + Journaling Prompts

If you're anything like me, you're going to love these coloring books. You'll get over 30 pages of mandalas + affirmations + journaling prompts (yeah, I am all about journaling 🤣🙈)

worth $27

#12. Bonus 6: 10-Day Journaling Challenge to Manifest Your Biggest Business Goal

And once again, what kind of bonus do we have here? Lol. Out of all the journaling products, this may be the most powerful one. It will stretch your mind to think differently. You can print them or use them online - your choice.

worth $37

#13. FOUNDING MEMBER ONLY BONUS: The Online Course "Quick Revenue, Queen"

An amazing online course that, until now, has only been available for my signature course "Manifesting Queen". It's perfectly designed for when you need a quick infusion of cash into your business.

worth $565

Total worth = $2,196*

You can sign up for as little as $67/month

*when you invest in the VIP package. Tier 1 worth = $1,308.

Let me Tell You About Trying to Reach $10k Months Without Removing Money Blocks...

I've been building businesses online (together with my husband) since 2010, successfully I may add, yet we ended up burned out over and over and over again.


Because our entire focus was on marketing, systems and to-do lists. We were working our asses off to make up, through marketing, for our lack of vibrational alignment with what we were doing and our revenue goals.

We hustled so much that at some point it stopped working...

When I first tried to scale my coaching business, I applied every possible marketing strategy only to FAIL miserably...

The whole experience made me realize that marketing isn’t everything.

There’s another component that is way more important than marketing: OUR BELIEF SYSTEM

I am sure you can relate.

You've probably tried: 

  • creating a course
  • building your Instagram account
  • selling in your Stories
  • selling via DMs
  • going viral on TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • being active in all those Facebook groups
  • podcasting
  • guest posting
  • Facebook ads
  • growing your email list
  • content upgrades and quizzes
  • cold email outreach
  • and so many other marketing strategies

Yet somehow the results you’re getting are nowhere near what was promised. 

You’re sick and tired of showing up perfectly, putting in the work only to get disappointed again and again, all while other ladies get 3x - 5x your results. 

There must be something wrong with you, right?


You’re even tired of getting leads, visitors or email subscribers. You want revenue. You want CASH. You want MONEY in your bank account.

Not opportunities. Not leads. Not followers. Not potential partnerships. These can't pay your bills, can they?!

Well, you’re in the right place.

My name is ROSWITHA HERMAN and I’ve spent the last nine years of my life trying to figure out the best techniques that anyone can apply to MANIFEST, almost magically, 6 or even 7 figures, by simply working on their money beliefs. 

You can manifest money faster and easier by releasing the blocks that keep you small and broke, and releasing them from very deep levels not just from your mindset.

Of course, without burnout, without working 5x more and even without complicated marketing strategies.

It's not about not using marketing to grow your business, it's about aligning your mind first, releasing sabotages and learning how to use MANIFESTING to get more clients, sell-out events or have 5-6 figures launches.

Clearing your money beliefs can take you places where hustle can't, but you gotta learn how to shift them on deeper levels than just your mind.

This Membership will give you all the tools that you need to heal your relationship with money and scale your business to unimaginable heights without trying out all the latest marketing strategies or burning yourself out.

And it's just $67, for now...

I mean, you can't get a better deal than that, especially when you count all the bonuses that you're getting (worth up to $2,196).

Join today for just $67/mo ↗

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

You Can't Have This if You Have That

Let's play a little game so you can better understand why your limiting money beliefs are blocking you from achieving specific goals.

You can't have consistent and predictable income when you've lived your entire life in survival mode.

As you release the energy and blocks holding this survival energy in place, you’re going to become comfortable with having consistent clients month after month.

You can't have clients talking about you and sending you referrals if...

You have a money block that says "if my business grows and I make more money, it will lead to more criticism, responsibility and stress” .

You can't have systems, funnels and making sales on autopilot if...

You unconsciously believe that “you can only make more money by working more” or if you have a deep belief that “you have to do it all alone”.

You can't have your DMs overflowing with people asking to work with you if...

You deeply believe that "there are not enough clients in this world" or if you don't know your worth and think that "everyone is a better expert than me so why would people want to work with me?"

Become a Founding Member Today.

Don't miss out - the countdown is on! Reserve your spot now before time runs out.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Time Left Until the First Group Coaching Call:


Who Runs This Town?

Hey, I am Roswitha Herman, your new money mindset coach.

Long story short: I started out as a fashion blogger in 2010 (went to NYC Fashion Week 🖤), graduated as an engineer, wasn't fulfilled by that so I played with several businesses until, in 2015 I became a certified coach.

Didn't look back since then is what I'd love to say 😆. The truth is that I had moments when I wanted to quit and get a job. Entrepreneurship is hard and having a ton of money blocks, like I did, makes it even harder.

Since 2015 I've worked with hundreds of women from all over the world, I rebranded quite a few times, yet I ultimately found my true calling: helping women entrepreneurs learn how to manifest and completely change their relationship with money.

Since 2022, I have been developing my own Releasing Money Blocks Method, which combines parts of all other techniques I am certified in (EFT/TFT, Ho'oponopono, Eden Method, Theta Healing, Sedona Method, Heart Wall Method, to name a few).

With my private clients, however, we dive even deeper. We release blocks on DNA, soul level, past lives level, subconscious mind, all organs and cells in the body, nervous system, and mindset level. Yeah, it's powerful AF.

My first goal with this community, is to help 100 women entrepreneurs reach $10K months, even if they are just making $1,000/mo from their passion business.

My BIG goal is to have 10,000 women entrepreneurs reach $10K months and beyond. This would fulfill my soul like nothing else 🩷

I know that no matter where you live, having $10K months would allow you to take care of your family and live a comfortable life. I want all of us, to live a comfortable life, and get there while feeling joyful and relaxed every day. And I always get what I want 😆 so you're in good hands.

What Past Clients Are Saying About Money Queens Community

I'm already going to assume you're going to take advantage of this phenomenal offer and join us. When you do, you'll become a Founding Member (or Queen if you want), aka you're among the first members, hence the price is more affordable.

However, you're not a guinea pig! The practices that we'll use during our group calls have been successfully "tested" on hundreds of women during private calls in 2022 and 2023.

money queens community icon 2

A Dynamic Community Designed Exclusively for Coaches & OSPs Like You.

Money Queens isn't just another "minimind" or "circle" – it's your virtual sanctuary to work on your money beliefs on levels that are 10x deeper than mindset work.

It's also a special place to connect with other female entrepreneurs, share stories, wins, failures and get the support you deserve in order to get fully booked and reach that beautiful milestone: $10k months.

Join Now & Grab Up to $2,196 in Bonuses ↗

Remove Money Blocks on a Mindset Somatic + Energetic Level

Let’s cut right through the old school thinking that changing your thoughts changes everything. 

You know how sometimes it feels like your thoughts just aren’t the whole story when it comes to tackling those big life hurdles? 

Well, turns out, there’s solid science to back that up! It’s actually our nervous system calling the shots a lot of the time, shaping our thoughts before we even fully realize what we’re thinking. 

That’s why just tweaking our mindset often doesn’t cut it, especially with deep-seated money blocks. 

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk lays it out clearly: our experiences are stored not just in our minds but right down in our body, affecting how we react physically and emotionally, affecting our decisions and what we believe it’s possible to achieve in business. 

Our brains are super moldable, thanks to something called neuroplasticity. This means our everyday physical and emotional experiences can actually reshape our brains.

That’s where the magic of somatic practices comes into play. They can rewire our nervous system, helping us build new, healthier pathways for thinking about and handling money. 

In the Money Queens Community we dive deeper, way past the surface level. 

As Bessel van der Kolk famously said, “The body keeps the score.” That means every experience, good or bad, leaves a mark on us, including our views on money. During our group calls, you will be guided through somatic exercises to release these old imprints, clearing the way not just for new financial behaviors but for a whole new you.

A new you for whom $10k months or being fully booked is normal and SAFE.

We’ll shake off the old money blocks stored in your muscles and cells, unlocking clearer decision-making and stronger intuition for your business. This isn’t just tweaking your mindset; it’s transforming from the core.

Energy work isn’t just an add-on; it’s essential. The vibe you bring impacts how you engage with clients and run your business. By clearing your energy paths, we boost your magnetism for high-paying clients.

Hon, it's your time to shine and redefine what's possible for you and your business!

Let's Review What You're Getting When You Join Money Queens

Why do extra work when you could be growing your business? Through our tested process, we’ll help you find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end.

woman biceps powerful icon


One Monthly Group Call to Remove Money Blocks

This is where the magic happens. We remove money blocks via somatic + energetic work.

worth $333


Private Whatsapp Community

to connect with like-minded female entrepreneurs & get all your questions answered.

worth $111


Weekly Journaling Prompts

so you can constantly work on your money beliefs and get massive results.

worth $87


Monthly Private Call with Roswitha (VIP Only)

some say it's priceless (lol). You'll get to experience tailor-made transformation each and every month so you can reach your money goals even faster.

worth $777


Private Chat with Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week (VIP Only)

this is perfect for introverts. You'll get your most intimate questions answered and get personalized guidance about everything money beliefs, mindset and energy work.

worth $111


3 Tapping Videos to Shift Some Powerful Fears

these tapping videos will help you work and release on the fears of: not having enough clients, not being perfect and making mistakes.

worth $77


My Awesome Financial Abundance Meditation

very powerful meditation that will guide you to connect with your deepest energy of abundance.

worth $27


2 Premium Coloring Books Infused with Affirmations & Journaling Prompts

perfect for those Sunday mornings when you feel like doing something joyful, yet you feel guilty for not working.

worth $27


Roswitha's Manifesting Planner

don't be fooled by the simplicity of this planner! It's very powerful.

worth $17


10-Day Journaling Challenge to Blow up Your Business

yeah, I am all about journaling but only because it's so transformative. I've been journaling "professionally" for 10+ years. It shifted my whole mindset about money & business, and it will do the same to you.

worth $37


eBook: 4 Step Cheatsheet to Manifest Your Money Goal

super powerful cheatsheet that will guide you to do certain exercises to manifest money.

worth $27


2 Coloring Books Infused with Affirmations and Journaling Prompts

who doesn't love a good coloring book?! You'll get 30+ pages to color mandalas, affirmations and journaling prompts.

worth $27


Access to ALL Future Updates, Products & Bonuses

that's right! You'll get access to all future updates. The plan is to add more ebooks, tapping videos, meditations and even workshops.

honestly, priceless!


FOUNDING MEMBER ONLY BONUS: My Online Course "Quick Revenue, Queen!"

an amazing online course that, until now, has only been available for my signature course "Manifesting Queen". It's perfectly designed for when you need a quick infusion of cash into your business.

worth $565

Total worth = $2,196*

You can sign up for as little as $67/month.

*when you invest in the VIP package. Tier 1 worth = $1,308.

money back guarantee

If you're not satisfied, I am not satisfied.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee.

If you're not satisfied with the group, simply email my team at (or DM me on Whatsapp) and we'll take care of it.

Choose Your Plan, Queen!

Okey dookey, it's time to make a decision.

You've read the whole page. You've been presented with some awesome (I think) benefits for joining. So all you have to do is pick the plan that's right for you at this point in your journey.

One thing is clear though: healing your money blocks can dramatically change the level of impact your business is going to have, and those $10k months are going to be a simple side effect.

Money Queens Membership

  • ONE Group Call/Month
  • Access to the Whatsapp Community
  • All Bonuses
  • Founding Member Only Bonus
  • ONE Private Call w/ Roswitha per Month
  • Private Chat w/ Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week


Special Founding Member Price


Sign me up, hon!

7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Renews Automatically Every Month Unless You Cancel

6 Months PIF Membership Offer

  • ONE Group Call/Month
  • Access to the Whatsapp Community
  • All Bonuses
  • Founding Member Only Bonus
  • ONE Private Call w/ Roswitha per Month
  • Private Chat w/ Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week


Special Founding Member Price


7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Renews Automatically Every Six Months Unless You Cancel

VIP Queen w/ 1:1 Access to Roswitha

  • ONE Group Call/Month
  • Access to the Whatsapp Community
  • All Bonuses
  • Founding Member Only Bonus
  • ONE Private Call w/ Roswitha per Month
  • Private Chat w/ Roswitha via Whatsapp for ONE Day/Week


Special Founding Member Price


7 Days Money Back Guarantee

Renews Automatically Every Month Unless You Cancel

Your Payment Details Are Safe With Me

After you click on "buy/join", you will be redirected to an external checkout page that matches all the safety whatever & it's approved by Stripe. Also, we accept all major credit cards and you can cancel your subscription at any point. All is left for you to do is to pick the right plan above and join us.

Now, if you want to give marketing once last chance, be my guest, it's just that this price won't last forever...

I am not against marketing.

Heck, I love marketing.

You've found this Community because of marketing.

BUT, and it's a really thicc but (haha), marketing is simply a tool.

A tool that delivers results based on your beliefs and vibrational alignment.

Marketing cannot and will never be able to make up for your lack of alignment with your goals.

This is the #1 reason why other ladies got much better results than you, using the same marketing strategies.

Marketing is fun, but at some point we need to realize that marketing will not heal our limiting beliefs nor our childhood trauma.

As you join our Community and come to the monthly group calls you'll see that any marketing strategy will begin to offer you better and better results.

I said before: each revenue level has its own vibrational frequency.

If you vibrate at $1k/month, no amount of marketing will be able to help you scale to $10k months.

Sorry, but it's the truth.

And the sooner you can accept this truth, the sooner you can begin to heal, let go of FOMO, guilt, shame and build that #fempire that you truly deserve.

THIS is the key to complete and absolute victory in business.

The key to complete and absolute annihilation of your competitors!

(yeah, yeah, you don't believe in competitors. Neither do I, but most of them still make more money than you, don't they?!?)

Whether you want to grow on YouTube, Instagram, through podcasting or Facebook ads, this community will give you support & peace of mind.

A piece of MY mind…

Peace of mind that you can begin to shift that old story of "nothing works for me" because now you will understand why certain strategies didn't work for you.

It was your money beliefs and your vibration.

And hustling only lowered it, so you had to put in even MORE EFFORT.

But effort is not the answer. Never has been.

Effort is patriarchal.

We, women, can build businesses through our vibrational alignment.

No hustle needed.

This is a game-changer and I am only charging $67 for it because I want you to really join the group calls, go through the bonuses, build relationships inside the community and reap all the benefits.

A single private session with me is $800+, depending on which levels we'll work on.

I am aware that not everyone can afford that, hence why I built this community so you can tap into my energy, my power and heal your relationship with money for good.

So, will you take a leap of faith and choose this Membership over a few cups of coffee?!

The Money Queen Community can sky-rocket your business, fill your calendar with clients and achieve $10k months.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this membership? Give me the summary.

This is a private Community for coaches and online service providers who want to reach $10k months without the hustle and grind we've been fed. We do this via monthly group calls where we release/remove money blocks on a mindset, somatic and energetic level. You also get access to a private Whatsapp community to ask questions, share wins and make friends.

This is exclusive to coaches and online service providers. You can join for as little as $67/month.

Is this a monthly subscription?

Yes, this is a monthly subscription that renews automatically. You can cancel at any time, please email us at

Is this group exclusive for entrepreneurs?

Yes, this group is exclusive for entrepreneurs. Even more so, exclusive these type of female entrepreneurs: coaches and online service providers (social media managers, branding experts, graphic designers, VAs, etc.)

I don't have a business. Will I benefit from this?

You can benefit from this even if you don't have a business, however we have a strict policy to only accept women entrepreneurs who already have a business. If you sign up as a non-business owner, you will be refunded.

I am making around $1,000 - $3,000 per month. Is this for me?

This is exactly for you. This community was designed with the goal of supporting women entrepreneurs to reach $10k months. You'll benefit from this even if you're a brand new business owner, however, those who are already making money will benefit most.

I am a coach. Is this right for me?

Hon, this is perfect for you. I love working with coaches - heck, I am a coach. I know what you're going through and the money blocks we're going to remove during the monthly group calls are going to be very relatable for you.

I am an online service provider (OSP). Is this right for me?

Absolutely. You're going to get a ton of value from this Community and you'll be able to connect with fellow service providers and coaches.

I am a course creator. Is this right for me?

Short answer is yes. You're basically a hybrid between a coach and an online service provider. The monthly calls will help you release the fears and limiting beliefs that are stopping you from selling the sh*t out of your online course.

I am a makeup artist. Is this right for me?

Short answer: yes and no.

YES if you run most of your business online, teaching people how to do makeup or even have an online course doing that.

NO if your business is not online.

Of course, you will benefit from removing limiting money beliefs, however the majority of the people inside will be women who run online businesses and you won't be able to relate to them if you're not online.

Do you offer any bonuses?

Of course. The bonuses are worth up to $2,196. You can see everything that's included by clicking here.

Does this membership include private 1:1 sessions with you?

Only the VIP Plan includes private 1:1 sessions with me. If you want more personalized guidance for a fraction of the price, you should opt for that package. Here are all the details.

How many people will there be in the group release calls?

It depends from month to month. Of course I'd be happy for everyone to join each and every month because my main objective is to serve you and help you get tangible results. However, we're all busy, life happens and priorities can change from month to month. This group will grow continously.

What if I don't like it? Do you have a money back guarantee?

Yes, we have a 7 days money back guarantee. Please email us at to get your refund. Make sure you include the email address from which the payment has been made + your Whatsapp number.

Where do you host the group? Facebook? Whatsapp? Telegram?

It's all happening in a private and cozy Whatsapp Community with several groups for different topics. You'll receive the links to join via email after your payment has been processed (usually within 10min).

How can I cancel my subscription?

If you want to cancel your subscription, please email us at Make sure you include the email from which the payment has been made + your Whatsapp number. There are no refunds for cancellations past the initial 7 days timeframe and you'll still have access to the group until the end of your billing period.

Can I ask questions in the Whatsapp group?

Please do. There's going to be a special place where you can ask questions. You'll receive instructions via email after you sign up.

Where will the group calls take place?

Online. Each month, you will receive a link where you can join the group calls.

How can I pay? What cards do you offer?

We accept all major credit cards. Once you click on "sign me up, hon!" above, you will be redirected to a secure page where you'll complete the payment. Your payment details are safe with me because the platform that handles our payments has been approved by Stripe.

What happens if I can't join the group call? Will it be recorded?

Yes, the group call will be recorded and shared in the Whatsapp group shortly after. I know that life happens and there will be times when you can't join, but that doesn't mean you can't get the benefits of this group.

money back guarantee

If you're not satisfied, I am not satisfied.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee.

If you're not satisfied with the group, simply email my team at (or DM me on Whatsapp) and we'll take care of it.

Ready to Attract High-Paying Clients and Reach $10k Months?

Then it's time to join Money Queens Community, shift your money blocks through transformative group calls and make all your business dreams a reality!

   Join now for only $67/mo ↗  
Roswitha Herman Manifesting Money Coach

Ready to Attract High-Paying Clients and Reach $10k Months?

Then it's time to join Money Queens Community, shift your money blocks through transformative group calls and make all your business dreams a reality!

Short Summary for Those too Busy to Read the Whole Thing

so they skipped to the end in the hopes of finding a summary that will help them make the best decision ever. I see you! I've done this countless times. However, the copy above is top notch.

I've put so much thought in painting you a nice picture to convince you that this community is "the sh*t" (don't know how kids call it these days 😆). You really don't want to miss that. It's no Shark Tank sales pitch, but it's pretty close.

  • This is a private Community for coaches and online service providers who want to reach $10k months without the hustle and grind we've been fed.
  • Working on your money beliefs is 100x more important than marketing. Joining this community can seriously impact your marketing efforts and business growth in the most positive way possible.
  • By joining our Community, you'll get access to monthly group calls to remove money blocks on a somatic + energetic level.
  • You also get access to a private Whatsapp community where you can ask questions, feel seen and make friends for life.
  • The VIP plan also includes private calls and chats with me (Roswitha Herman, your new money mindset coach).
  • Of course we have bonuses. They're actually worth up to $2,196. Ebooks, planners, mediations, tapping videos, courses etc. See them here.
  • There are three packages to choose from: monthly for only $67/mo, 6 months PIF for $335 or VIP plan for $444/mo. The latter gives you private access to me. Some say it's priceless...🙈
  • Pick a plan that suits you here.

Now you literally have no excuse not to join us and become a Money Queen

Join now for only $67/mo ↗